One of the many things that we pride ourselves on is the fact that our products are 100% natural and sustainable. We never use artificial colors or flavors and we only use natural, organic ingredients. We are committed to making sure our customers receive a product that is as good for them as it is for the environment. We are a Danish company producing high-quality food supplements.
Danmark, København S
This company offers energy optimization in the home. In this way, you achieve the best possible energy consumption in the home. We have the costumer in focus and we do our best for you.
Danmark, Taastrup
...Capasystems A/S is a Danish based software company, that have developed software systems for companies wordwide since 1996. Today we are one of the leading software companies in Denmark, and we are growing every year. Visit our website - for more information about some of our popular software programs for modern companies, such as: PerformanceGuard, 360 degress monitoring, etc. And read more about how we can help your company.
Danmark, Logstor
...Carnad A/S is the only company worldwide producing 100% natural meat proteins for the Food industryCarnad`s clean lable ingredients provide a unigue UMAMI taste and mouth-feel to your products...
Danmark, Charlottenlund
...Do you have a wish to travel the world in a luxurious private jet? Wingman AirCharter is a Danish company that allows you exactly that. Wingman AirCharter, founded by Thomas Dessau, provides air charter service for individuals as well as business. Wingman AirCharter offer tailormade solutions for discerning customers. Our jets are available 24/7 every day of the year. No matter you needs we will...
Danmark, Haslev
We are a danish based company, who delivers, installing and sell doors to the garage, rollerdoors, overhead doors and related products. Pur physical appearence is in Haslev in the southern part of Sjælland nearby Næstved. We are constantly moving and developing in realtion to our staff and products, so we ensure that we can deliver high quality handwork and services, that lives up to the requirements in this business. We are specialized in garagedoors, overheaddoors and rollerdoors.
Danmark, København K
Here at we are trained to be able to handle all kinds of legal problems. is composed of lawyers Mette Højberg and Morten Hertz performing legal services for various areas of legal aid. We always perform a good service for you or your company, we make sure to be available throughout the process. We generally take all tasks within the various jurisdictions...
Holland, De Kwakel
Vi er en engrosvirksomhed i Bubble tea ingredienser med filialer i Taiwan og Europa. Da vi har mere end 15 års erfaring og selv kan producere varerne under eget mærke, kan vi garantere den bedste kvalitet til den bedste pris. Derfor har vi også altid et stort lager for at muliggøre hurtige leverancer til alle vores kunder i hele Europa. Vores fokus er primært på bubble tea sirupper og popping boba, men vi kan naturligvis levere hele bubble tea sortimentet. Med venlig hilsen, The Boba Tea Company...
... produktionen af fibre og papir. Produktion af energi fra biomasse er også et område, hvor THE NAVIGATOR COMPANY har en fremtrædende position: Mere end 50 % af den samlede energi produceret i Portugal fra biomasse genereres af THE NAVIGATOR COMPANY. 5 % af den samlede produktion af elektricitet i Portugal genereres af selskabet.
Storbritannien, Skipton
Hos The Home Company er vi stolte af at tilbyde smukt håndlavet møbler, bløde tekstiler og tilbehør til overkommelige priser. Størstedelen af vores møbelkollektioner er designet og fremstillet til dig lige her i Storbritannien og præsenteres i vores smukke møbelbutik i Skipton, porten til Yorkshire Dales. Vi tilbyder et bredt udvalg af møbler af høj kvalitet til hele hjemmet, hvad enten det er stuen, spisestuen, soveværelset eller et andet sted. Vores fulde udvalg af møbler kan ses online, eller du er mere end velkommen til at besøge vores lokale møbelbutik i Skipton, North Yorkshire.
Danmark, Copenhagen C
Do you know the value of your company? When you are going to sell your company, the value and price of the company are highly dependent on the achieved value creation and timing of the sale. WACCvalue has developed a model that monitors the value of your company based on renowned international valuation principles. This provides you with the tools to make the right decision based on value and timing. We help your business to create value. We work exclusively with valuation. Our structured methodology gives our customers a very comprehensive analysis at a very attractive price.
Danmark, Slagelse
The company was founded in 1955 by the Danish dairies organisationand the first name was Mejeribrugets Emballagefabrik amba. 10 years laterin 1965 the name was changed to Danapak.
Danmark, Odense M
WHO ARE WE?- Dukas Trading is a trading company with headquarters in Odense, Denmark. - We are specialized in worldwide trading and supplies of salt etc. - We can assist you in finding qualified and reliable business partners all around the world. - Dukas Trading has close relations to salt manufacturers, importers, exporters, transporters, brokers and agents which makes us the natural choice...
Danmark, Rødovre
...At P. G. & Son, we have several years of experience with, for example masonry work and cleaning tasks. It may also be that our customers need professional help with paving, which our employees are always ready to handle. You also have the opportunity to visit the company's website where you can read more about the work that we stand for.
Danmark, Aalborg
...Jyden Workwear A/S is an international trading and production company. We design, produce and sell our workwear in Denmark and abroad. Our range of products is today larger than ever enabling us to meet the demands for workwear within many different trades. Also we are able to develop and produce specific solutions for our customers. We carry out quality control before, during and after production. This ensures our products meet the highest standards regarding design, comfort and wearability. ...
Danmark, Odense
...BioLigands ApS provides consultancy and pre-clinical R&D services in molecular biology and natural compounds profiling. It offers gene expression profiling, cellular signaling, cell biology, and metabolic and obesity-related services, including drug effects on adipocyte assays, adipocyte phenotype conversion, and hormone assays. The company also provides nuclear receptor profiling using various technologies as well as cancer, cell proliferation, cell toxicity assays, and p53 programs. BioLigands ApS was founded in 2002 and is based in Odense M, Denmark. ...
Danmark, Ringsted
Europe Post, Your global mail provider. Europe Post is an international mailing company offering complete one-stop solutions for all your mailing needs. We have a broad experience in the global mail-market and thereby we have been able to build relationships with the best postal providers. Europe Post is known as a quality driven organization and we strive to ensure all our business partners...
Storbritannien, Guildford
...LaGrande-familien har udnyttet deres næsten hundrede års erfaring inden for risindustrien og dedikation til kvalitet for at opbygge The Sun Valley Rice Company. Fra tørring til emballering er vi hos Sun Valley Rice stolte af vores kvalitetsprodukter, ekspertmedarbejdere og evne til at tilpasse os en konstant foranderlig industri.
Frankrig, Saint Angeau-Val De Bonnieure
... production to delivery of the product. This way, we provide our clients with a single point of contact, allowing them to know at any time the status of their orders. Each production site has at least two different suppliers of raw materials, several production machines to ensure continuity of production, as well as numerous 3.5 T and 19 T heavy vehicles, all owned by the company. This control of...
Storbritannien, London
Vi leverer en række kokosprodukter, herunder kokosolie, kokossukker, kokosmel, mælkefri kokosmælkepulver, sød kokosnektar og et udvalg af naturligt fermenteret kokoseddike og kokosaminosaucer til det britiske marked. Vi handler med bulkprodukter, som opbevares i vores lager i Storbritannien, men kan også levere private label detailprodukter. Vi har også vores eget mærke til detailhandlere og gross...
Clufix er designer og producent af mekaniske metalbeslag - Designer og producent af skræddersyede løsninger - Katalogtilbud med 12.000 standardprodukter. Vores produkter og serier: - CLUFIX: Blindhæftemøtrikker - NUTFIX: Preshæftemøtrikker - SOFTERFIX: Fastgørelsesindsatser til plastindustrien - LIMITFIX: Kompressionsbegrænsere. - SPACERFIX: Hæftestænger - CAPTIFIX: Fæsteskruer - ENDFIX: Hæftemøt...
Frankrig, Beze
Fastring, integrator of solutions, supports you for all your hydraulic, pneumatic sealing needs... with its 370,000 references in stock as well as the support of our design office for all specific needs, with material certificates available upon request. Regardless of your activity, the company Fastring offers tailored services for the development, design, and execution of your projects, from unique pieces to series production. Reactivity, flexibility, deadlines, and costs are managed by the diversity of our machine park and our raw materials (elastomers, polyurethane, PTFE...)...
...Firmaen BOX-PROFI the case company GmbH fremstiller skræddersyede kufferter og transportkasser efter ønske. Selvfølgelig tilbyder vi udover specialfremstillinger også almindelige standardstørrelser - hvis du ønsker det, endda i en forkortet version. Udover kasserne og kufferterne tilbyder vi også kister til transport af tunge varer samt 19" racks - tilpasset dit anvendelsesformål.
Belgien, Bruxelles
THE CONFERENCE COMPANY er specialiseret i at organisere konferencer, rejser, begivenheder, ceremonier osv. over hele kloden.
Storbritannien, Worcester
... konkurrencedygtige priser. The English Leather Company er kendt for at producere det fineste traditionelle engelske bideskind i Europa. I 2013 byggede virksomheden en helt ny fabrik for at imødekomme den øgede efterspørgsel. Som et resultat heraf er en ny række læder blevet udviklet og indgår nu som en del af produktudbuddet. For at finde ud af mere, kontakt os.
Italien, Napoli
...Vi er The X Company, et netværk af konsulenter, der tilbyder et komplet udvalg af integrerede tjenester. Vi hjælper selvstændige og SMV'er med at modernisere deres processer og tilpasse sig de nye teknologier for at opnå en konkurrencefordel på markedet, revolutionere deres forretningsmodel og nå deres strategiske forretningsmål.
Storbritannien, Twyford
...UK'S Nummer 1 Leverandør af Designer Ventilatorer, der er stilfulde, pålidelige, stille og kraftfulde. Vi har specialiseret os i at lagerføre, sælge og støtte loftventilatorer i Storbritannien siden 1999, da vi startede under handelsnavnet The American Fan Company, som importerede og eksporterede Hunter loftventilatorer. Over tid har vi tilføjet et fuldt sortiment af Hunter tilbehør og...
Storbritannien, Oakham
Homeopathic Book Company er en nicheforhandler af bøger - online, via telefon eller e-mail - om det brede emne homøopati - et komplementært sundhedssystem til behandling af fysiske og mentale sygdomme. Vi har også andre komplementære sundheds- og ernæringstitler for at støtte undervisningen i disse emner i klasseværelset. Vi tilbyder mere end 600 titler, hver med en detaljeret beskrivelse og...
...Cei is a leading European company in the Consulting & Engineering industry with world class expertise in the fields of energy, highways & roads, light rail, sustainable buildings and water. Our leading principle is Sustainability by Design. This enables our professionals to support clients in developing the built and natural environment.
Danmark, Højbjerg
... construction company. To achieve success with a project, the key is good cooperation, common understanding, and timely care. Good collaboration is achieved by involving all parties in a construction project, so in addition to a chat with you as the client, I would like to have a chat with the contractor you want to involve in the project. For static calculations and documentation, I use several different programs. My main program is Scia Engineer. My name is Jonas Kragh Ceku and I am the founder and owner of the company Calcecu ApS.

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