Danmark, Valby
... strategic partner, we can improve your marketing and sales efforts by gathering, processing and utilizing valuable data for your markets and customers. Our services include: •Consulting •Database marketing •Telemarketing •Online marketing...
Danmark, Birkeroed
Danelec Marine is a leading supplier of innovative navigation solutions to the maritime industry, headquartered in Denmark. Specializing in the design and manufacturing of IMO approved VDRs (Voyage Data Recorders), Danelec Marine produces the most reliable and cost-effective VDR system in the world. More than 5,500 vessels carry a VDR designed and manufactured by Danelec Marine. Combining solid...
Danmark, Herning
InfoSuite Business Intelligence - Dit totale overblik i en kaotisk verden af data!InfoSuite Business Intelligence er dit uundværlige overblik, som giver dig et klart indblik i din virksomheds performance. Du får ét samlet beslutningsgrundlag, og sikrer at alle vigtige informationer altid er nemt tilgængelige, opdaterede og valide.InfoSuite åbner således dine øjne for din forretning og lader dig navigere nemt og sikkert gennem en kaotisk verden af data.
Danmark, Copenhagen
... systems are a source of wasted time, money, and human resource in business today. They can create a nightmare of never-ending data integrations and data security problems, and they can kill agility in the process. Which is why Transformio exists. To help companies focus on the things that really matter. To provide the due diligence and advice on what technology you really need. To create simpler...
Danmark, Silkeborg
Hos El-Gården udfører vi elektriker-arbejde for både private og erhverv. Vi har stærke kompetencer inden for alt det grundlæggende elarbejde samt el-service og el-eftersyn. Derudover er vi specialister i Data og telenetværk, ventilation samt installation af centralstøvsuger, antenne anlæg og alle former for belysning. Ring trygt til os, hvis du har spørgsmål eller ønsker et uforpligtende tilbud på tlf. 86 82 48 99.
Danmark, Odense C
Morningtrain is a Nordic full service digital agency specialising in webdesign, programming and online marketing. We create user-friendly and data-driven web solutions, that enable our customers to scale their business online. Morningtrain powers the digital frontier with our transparent processes along with strong results from more than 300 digital journeys with our customers. Our services...
Danmark, Horsens
Datawise is a consulting company that provides customized and user-friendly solutions to our customers, based on competencies in Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing and related technologies. At Datawise we are specialists in our field, and our goal is to create solutions, which are agile and focused as much as possible. Our philosophy is that BI and DWH solutions do not have to be big and chrome. We start by creating your solution into small pieces that can already be used after a short time, and then expanded.
Danmark, Odense Sø
... analysis is reported in a visual and intuitive way for the management to take proper actions and for workers to stay well informed. Want to experience the basics? Check it out on https://app.sitemotion.dk/what-is-sitemotion...
Danmark, København
Vi hos PostNord Strålfors udvikler og tilbyder kommunikationsløsninger. Vores løsninger giver virksomheder helt nye muligheder for mere personlige og stærkere kunderelationer. Vi er en stærk aktør indenfor digital kommunikation, hvor vores kernekompetencer er at håndtere større mængder variable data, hvor vi distribuere dem korrekt, på rette tid, ad de rette kanaler, samt til de rigtige personer...
Danmark, Copenhagen
Our technology is based on a combination of computer science, advanced mathematics, and operations research.We provide data driven decision support (3DS) related to traffic on any level. This includes idea generation, evolution, nudging, and nursing as well as data handling. We provide 3DS for governmental and municipal infrastructure investments as well as travel selection for individual day to...
Danmark, Lystrup
...Weisio er et digitalt konsulenthus drevet af Micky Weis. Med over 8 års erfaring indenfor digital optimering herunder SEO, Facebook annoncering og data analyse har Weisio sat baren højt for at vejlede kunder i huset til den digitale transformation. Kunderne tæller bla. Christian Stadil, Thornico A/S, Hummel, Tattoodo, Firtal Web samt flere. ...
Danmark, Copenhagen
... Twistellar masters all major and rare Salesforce domains: Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Marketing Cloud and Pardot, Experience Cloud, IoT Cloud, CPQ, Force.com Platform, integrations with third-party software. Twistellar combines stellar Salesforce skills with deep AI competencies. As a result, Twistellar processes your data with the most updated machine-learning techniques in customer behavior...
Danmark, Roskilde
...aktive trådløse højttalere, gulvhøjttalere og centerhøjttalere - og også subwoofere er en del af sortimentet. I dag videreudvikler de fortsat på deres højttalere, så de kan blive ved med at have den gode lyd, have en god spredning af lyden og være lette at integrere med din nuværende forstærker. Find deres store udvalg af højttalere på hjemmesiden. Ønsker du at kontakte dem, kan du ringe på telefon 36 45 80 80 eller via mail. System Audio A/S Klosterengen 137 L 4000 Roskilde. Danmark 36 45 80 80...
Danmark, København Ø
NorthQ provides highly complex and sustainable data-driven energy management system solutions for a broad section of B2B customers that build, own or manage buildings...
Danmark, Smørum
... you looking for advanced printer fleet management for your business?. JetAdvice’s solutions bring you an effective print management system. It is a cloud-based solution with automation, integration and detailed device data. The management system will reduce costs and minimise the manual process.
Danmark, Hørsholm
... portfolio of innovative solutions – from improving lab productivity for chemical analysis, to vacuum systems, to workflow solutions developed to facilitate unlocking the complexities of living systems. Our experts possess in-depth understanding of issues across a broad spectrum of applications. Agilent’s latest technologies are developed for your leading edge research programs. We help you stay current with emerging applications and approved methods, while our integrated workflow solutions deliver accurate, comprehensive data helping you make informed decisions accelerating your time to results...
Danmark, Copenhagen K
... efficient way of monitoring patients. Whether at rest or on the move, Cortrium C3 Holter Monitor provides the medical quality heart and activity data needed to understand, learn and diagnose. With Cortriums realtime recording and display, accessing ECG data has never been easier. With our holter devices, we provide medical quality ECG and activity vitals through realtime monitoring and display of data...
Danmark, Hadsten
MyHRsol stands for My HR Solutions, which is a danish developed HR system. The system includes 4 unique online software solutions. The solutions are developed to companies to make efficient and time-saving recruitment, manage and store employee data safely, make easy, fast and ongoing follow-up on focus areas, and have an ongoing dialogue between manager and employee in the organization. These solutions can be used separately or as a complete system. The system complies the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Store and handle employee data safely in the system.
Danmark, Haarlev
Danmark, Viborg
Danmark, Herlev
Danmark, Vejen
Danmark, Silkeborg
Danmark, Herning
Danmark, Albertslund

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