14 Rue Pierre Paul de Riquet, Canéjan 33610
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Founded: 1981
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218 Product and services

Illuminated Touch Control Button with Bicolor Capacitive Technology - Series B22 and B30Next
Illuminated Touch Control Button with Bicolor Capacitive Technology - Series B22 and B30
Water projection immunity Momentary, bistable, or delayed function Up to two electrical contacts Number of cycles: 100 million at 200 mA Standard acti...
Electromagnetically Controlled Safety Lock - SM1Next
Electromagnetically Controlled Safety Lock - SM1
Electromagnetically Controlled Safety Locking Mechanism with 580 N Force Stress-free locking or locking under voltage of machine housings Monitors th...
Dual Channel Zener barrier in ATEX Zone 2/22 - ZRX8
Dual Channel Zener barrier in ATEX Zone 2/22 - ZRX8
Compact 22.5 mm format Suitable for RDX8 or other sensor Removable terminals Cycle before dangerous failure: B10d = 2,000,000 at 2A Risk duration: 10...
Check the position of doors/covers of hazardous machinery - MASSIMOTTO ANA 78S.2 / 98S.2Next
Check the position of doors/covers of hazardous machinery - MASSIMOTTO ANA 78S.2 / 98S.2
Electronic coded non-contact sensor Total safety management with an AWAX controller Suitable for slotted profiles and single or double-leaf doors Per...
Badge Access Control with RFID Encoding - XR 530PNext
Badge Access Control with RFID Encoding - XR 530P
Sensor with RFID technology featuring 16 million codes Locking command and two levels of alarm Programmable code via self-learning (no software or P...
Redundant Temperature Detection - SAFETY THERMOSTAT
Redundant Temperature Detection - SAFETY THERMOSTAT
Authorization for the opening of mobile protections at low temperature Application to industrial oven doors or any area to be protected against excess...
Position control for doors / casings on hazardous machinery - ANATOM78S-N-MKTS
Position control for doors / casings on hazardous machinery - ANATOM78S-N-MKTS
Contactless coded electronic sensor Total safety management with an AWAX controller High temperature Level of performance with AWAX controller: up to...
Monitors the position of the doors - AMX5 CK
Monitors the position of the doors - AMX5 CK
Monitors the position of doors/housings of hazardous machines Personnel management in the danger area through electric locking key Coded contactless ...
Multi-Effect LED Signal Beacon - YB100S SERIES
Multi-Effect LED Signal Beacon - YB100S SERIES
Machine Status Indication 4 selectable types of indications Low apparent thickness Lifespan: 50,000 hours Light output: 100 lm Mode 1: flash Mode 2...
Monitors the position of doors/cases in ATEX zones - ANATOM78S PL EEX and ANATOM78S OX EEXNext
Monitors the position of doors/cases in ATEX zones - ANATOM78S PL EEX and ANATOM78S OX EEX
Encoded contactless electric sensor ATEX Zone 0/20 (version PL) or 1.21 (version OX) Atex Safety ATEX Standards EN 60079-0 EN 60079-11 EN 60079-25 EN...
Two-color illuminated control button panel - B22 and B30 seriesNext
Two-color illuminated control button panel - B22 and B30 series
Two-color illuminated control button panel with capacitive technology Splash protection Function momentary, bistable, or time-controlled Up to two ...
Check the position of miniature doors/covers in hazardous machinery - OPTO2S
Check the position of miniature doors/covers in hazardous machinery - OPTO2S
Contactless coded sensor with electronic technology and relay Total safety management in category 1 without external controller 12 V version for embed...
Safety interlocking with coded contactless latch 'light cover/door - ANAGUARD'
Safety interlocking with coded contactless latch 'light cover/door - ANAGUARD'
Contactless Detection "Door Lock" Unlocking command with a single contact in series • Performance level with AWAX controller: up to PL=e • Safety c...
Control the safety position of doors with RFID coding for rolling vehicles - XORF-SA
Control the safety position of doors with RFID coding for rolling vehicles - XORF-SA
Sensor with RFID technology featuring 16 million codes Suitable for metallic environments Programmable code via self-learning (no software or PC req...
Monitors the position of doors - TRITHON P MKTS
Monitors the position of doors - TRITHON P MKTS
Enclosures for hazardous machines in challenging environments Encoded non-contact electric sensor Complete safety management with AWAX control unit.

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Location and contact

Address14 Rue Pierre Paul de Riquet, FR-33610 Canéjan

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