14 Rue Pierre Paul de Riquet, Canéjan 33610
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Founded: 1981
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218 Product and services

Gas and fluid pressure control - PRESSURE SWITCH / VACCUOSTAT
Gas and fluid pressure control - PRESSURE SWITCH / VACCUOSTAT
Redundant low and high pressure control with channel synchronization Pressure control from 0.1b to 300b (to be defined when ordering) Vacuum control f...
Check the position of doors/covers of hazardous machinery - BOSTER
Check the position of doors/covers of hazardous machinery - BOSTER
Magnetic door hold 40 N integrated in stainless steel Contactless coded sensor with electronic technology and relay Total safety management in categor...
RFID Tag Reader/Writer for Automation - XS 308
RFID Tag Reader/Writer for Automation - XS 308
Ultra-compact, very thin, directly inserts onto the machine Process management, separation, etc. RS485 MODBUS (RTU) or RS232 (ASCII) network Lifecycl...
Control of emergency stops - CO13 XXLNext
Control of emergency stops - CO13 XXL
Safety management in a compact 22.5 mm format Mono or two-channel with wiring. "Low consumption" Inputs Removable terminals Performance level with AW...
Illuminated Control Keypad with Capacitive Technology - KB 100 SeriesNext
Illuminated Control Keypad with Capacitive Technology - KB 100 Series
250 VAC light switch in the premises Machine control 24 VDC Stop request/opening for public transport * Number of cycles: 100 million at 200 mA * ...
Hierarchical RFID 8 access control zones, 250 badges - AXKEF CE10
Hierarchical RFID 8 access control zones, 250 badges - AXKEF CE10
22.5mm DIN rail enclosure with removable terminals No software or PC configuration 8 combinable outputs Life cycle: 20 years Max activation distance:...
Control sensors with Acotom process/mechanical switches/emergency stops - AWAX 45XXL2
Control sensors with Acotom process/mechanical switches/emergency stops - AWAX 45XXL2
Safety management with power supply 85~265 VAC Short-circuit detection in 2 μs and self-resetting Detachable terminals • Performance level with AWA...
Electromagnetic Safety Locking Device - SM1Next
Electromagnetic Safety Locking Device - SM1
Electromagnetic safety locking device with a force of 580 N Locking device without or under voltage for machine covers Control of the machine's prote...
Indicators and LED technology tricolor luminous lighting - V22 series, V30 and V30-SPOTNext
Indicators and LED technology tricolor luminous lighting - V22 series, V30 and V30-SPOT
Replaces incandescent lamp indicators Bicolor indicators to save space Illumination of dark areas for machines or enclosures • Service life: 50,000 h...
Illuminated Touch Control Button with Optical Technology - KOB 308 Series
Illuminated Touch Control Button with Optical Technology - KOB 308 Series
Water projection immunity Contactless activation Configurable functions: "momentary, bistable, and timed" via PC Cycle count: 100 million at 200 mA Ac...
Contactless safety interlocking - with encoded striker for "casing / light door" - ANAGUARD
Contactless safety interlocking - with encoded striker for "casing / light door" - ANAGUARD
Contactless "door lock" encoded detection Unlock command with just one contact during serialization of products • Cycle before dangerous failure: B10d...
Tricolor LED Indicators and Lights - Series V22, V30, and V30-SPOTNext
Tricolor LED Indicators and Lights - Series V22, V30, and V30-SPOT
Replaces indicators with incandescent lamp Bicolor indicators to save space Illumination of dark areas in machines or electrical panels • Lifespan: 5...
Control the position of doors/machine guards for hazardous machines - ANATOM78S-N-MKTS
Control the position of doors/machine guards for hazardous machines - ANATOM78S-N-MKTS
Electronic contactless coded technology sensor Total security management with an AWAX controller High temperature • Performance level with AWAX con...
Double channel Zener barrier in ATEX zone 2/22 - ZRX8
Double channel Zener barrier in ATEX zone 2/22 - ZRX8
Compact format 22.5 mm Suitable for RDX8 sensor or others Removable terminals • Cycle before dangerous failure: B10d=2,000,000 at 2A • Risk durati...
Two-hand control EN 574 and ISO 13849-1 - COM3C
Two-hand control EN 574 and ISO 13849-1 - COM3C
Version for mechanical or touch buttons KOB101T Controls the position of the press Removable terminals Performance level with AWAX controller: PL = e...

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Available type of delivery (incoterms)


Location and contact

Address14 Rue Pierre Paul de Riquet, FR-33610 Canéjan

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