14 Rue Pierre Paul de Riquet, Canéjan 33610
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Founded: 1981
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218 Product and services

Electromagnetically Controlled Safety Lock - SM2 NDP OX
Electromagnetically Controlled Safety Lock - SM2 NDP OX
Electromagnetically controlled safety lock with 580 N force and 100% stainless steel...
Tri-color LED Indicators and Lights - Series V22, V30, and V30-SPOTNext
Tri-color LED Indicators and Lights - Series V22, V30, and V30-SPOT
Replace incandescent lamp indicators Bicolor indicators for space-saving Lighting for dark areas around machines or electrical cabinets Lifespan: 5...
Monitors the position of doors - EPINUS 4K
Monitors the position of doors - EPINUS 4K
Monitors the position of doors/housings of hazardous machines with magnetic holding Magnetic holding of the door 40N fully integrated stainless steel...
Sensor Monitoring according to Acotom Method - AWAX 27XXL
Sensor Monitoring according to Acotom Method - AWAX 27XXL
Monitoring of sensors according to Acotom method / mechanical switches / emergency stops Safety management of 2 areas in a compact 45 mm format Short...
Non-contact optical access request button with tricolor lighting - KOB 608
Non-contact optical access request button with tricolor lighting - KOB 608
Contactless activation Works with colored glove and EN 388 3-state light ring: red, green, orange Potential-free output contact Detection through a gl...
Position control on doors / casings in ATEX - ANATOM78S PL EEX and ANATOM78S OX EEXNext
Position control on doors / casings in ATEX - ANATOM78S PL EEX and ANATOM78S OX EEX
Contactless coded electronic sensor ATEX zone 0/20 (PL version) or 1/21 (OX version) Atex safety ATEX standards EN 60079-0 EN 60079-11 EN 60079-25 EN...
Emergency Stop Control - CO13 XXLNext
Emergency Stop Control - CO13 XXL
Compact safety management in a 22.5 mm format Single-channel or dual-channel via wiring. "Low consumption" inputs Detachable terminals • Performanc...
Safety Relay - COM3C
Safety Relay - COM3C
Safety relay for two-hand control...
Electric Locking of the Area - C4CK
Electric Locking of the Area - C4CK
Compact 45 mm format Key with two positions: free and locked Removable screw clamps Performance level: PL = e Safety category: 4 "Integrated" safety ...
Electric Zone Condemnation - C4CK
Electric Zone Condemnation - C4CK
Compact format 45 mm Key with two positions: free and locked Detachable terminals • Performance level: PL=e • Safety category: 4 • Level of 'inte...
Dual technology optical/capacitive luminous touch secure stop button - KOB 110T Series
Dual technology optical/capacitive luminous touch secure stop button - KOB 110T Series
Activation by contact, wide range of detectable material Great ease of detection anywhere on the button Bistable function with timed lock release • S...
Access control with badge using RFID encoding - XR 530PNext
Access control with badge using RFID encoding - XR 530P
Sensor with RFID technology featuring 16 million codes Lock control and two levels of alarm Programmable code via self-learning (no software or PC req...
Control the position of doors/machine guards for hazardous machines - AMX5CK
Control the position of doors/machine guards for hazardous machines - AMX5CK
Management of personnel in hazardous areas using an electric locking key Contactless coded sensor with electronic technology and relay Total safety m...
Monitors the position of the doors - ANATOM78S-N-MKTS
Monitors the position of the doors - ANATOM78S-N-MKTS
Monitors the position of doors/housings of hazardous machines Coded non-contact electric sensor Complete safety management with AWAX control unit. Hi...
Position control for doors / casings on hazardous machinery - OPTO2S
Position control for doors / casings on hazardous machinery - OPTO2S
Contactless encoded electronic sensor with relay Category 3 total safety management without an external controller 12V version for embedded applicatio...

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Location and contact

Address14 Rue Pierre Paul de Riquet, FR-33610 Canéjan

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