

Aalsvoort 74, Lochem 7241 MB
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1965
Employees: 50-99
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42 Product and services

Maxion - High voltage anti-static bar for short distance, shocklessNext
Maxion - High voltage anti-static bar for short distance, shockless
Each individual emitter pin of the MaxION anti-static bar is coupled capacitively to the high voltage. You will therefore not get an electrical shock ...
FMX-004 - Electrostatic field meter
FMX-004 - Electrostatic field meter
The FMX-004 is a convenient, compact and pocketsized electrostatic fieldmeter. With this fieldmeter you can measure and store the field strength and p...
Flat nozzle - High voltage cleaning ionizing air nozzleNext
Flat nozzle - High voltage cleaning ionizing air nozzle
The Flat ionizing air nozzle is used to clean and neutralize electrostatically charged surfaces. The use of compressed air allows awkward places to be...
ThunderION IQ 2.0 - 24v anti-static bar for long distance static eliminationNext
ThunderION IQ 2.0 - 24v anti-static bar for long distance static elimination
The ThunderION IQ 2.0 is a high quality and most powerfull anti-static bar for the Industry. The static eliminator has a long reinforced extruded pro...
HE Nozzle - Hig voltage blow-off ionizing air nozzleNext
HE Nozzle - Hig voltage blow-off ionizing air nozzle
The high voltage at both emitter points is current limited. Being installed outside the air flow, the high-voltage points are hardly subject to foulin...
Power unit MPM - Anti-static equipment power supply controllerNext
Power unit MPM - Anti-static equipment power supply controller
The MultiPowerMaster or MPM is part of the high voltage power unit range. It features a broad range of input voltages, from 100240-V AC/5,060 Hz as we...
HDR - Electrostatic charging barNext
HDR - Electrostatic charging bar
The HDR charging bar suits high velocity applications. Each individual point being fitted with a resistor, so the chance of spark-over is strongly red...
5-Point pinner electrode - Electrostatic charge electrodeNext
5-Point pinner electrode - Electrostatic charge electrode
Simco-Ion Europe offers various electrodes, including the 5 Point, Linear 6 Point and thePinner Claw, specifically for spotcharging small surfaces. Th...
Static generator CM-5 30kV - Function generator Next
Static generator CM-5 30kV - Function generator
CM5 is fully backwards compatible with ECM30/60 and ECM DI30/60. For basic users a quick set-up menu is provided to set-up the generator to function ...
ES-2J - Composite nozzle ionizing air gunNext
ES-2J - Composite nozzle ionizing air gun
The Cobra ionizing air gun is excellently suited for heavy-duty industrial applications. It has a lightweight durable gun body made of highimpact plas...
EasyCore for IML - IML core-making resinNext
EasyCore for IML - IML core-making resin
Simco-Ion’s patented IML charging technique is even more versatile with the IML Easycore 2 component resin for construction of IML cores. Even very co...
Typhoon P-SH-N EX cleaning system - High Voltage Blower driven Cleaning systemNext
Typhoon P-SH-N EX cleaning system - High Voltage Blower driven Cleaning system
The airknife is constructed of extruded aluminium with incorporated mounting grooves. This design provides a precise air volume over the entire width ...

Location and contact

AddressAalsvoort 74, NL-7241 MB Lochem

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