

Aalsvoort 74, Lochem 7241 MB
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Founded: 1965
Employees: 50-99
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42 Product and services

IML Spider charge electrode - In-mold labeling electrostatic charge electrodeNext
IML Spider charge electrode - In-mold labeling electrostatic charge electrode
The IML Spider is a versatile electrode for direct charging for IML applications. It consists of a IML Spiderblock with built-in resistors to prevent ...
Sentry - Ionizing air blower Next
Sentry - Ionizing air blower
The Aerostat Sentry ionizing air blower neutralises static charges perfectly. The Sentry has been designed for areas where static electricity causes p...
Power supply controller ThunderION - Anti-static equipment power supply controllerNext
Power supply controller ThunderION - Anti-static equipment power supply controller
The ThunderION Control Module provides the power and the control for up to four ThunderION anti-static bars. With this Control Module, you can control...
Sensor IQ Easy - Electrostatic in-line measurement sensor
Sensor IQ Easy - Electrostatic in-line measurement sensor
Sensor IQ Easy: that measures the electrostatic charge A sensor that measures the electrostatic charge of a web can be added to the IQ Easy platform.
1/2"SS - High voltage anti-static bar for short distance, direct coupledNext
1/2"SS - High voltage anti-static bar for short distance, direct coupled
The emitter pins of the Super Service anti-static bars are directly coupled to the high voltage so that maximum ionising current is reached. These ba...
MEJ - High voltage anti-static bar for short distanceNext
MEJ - High voltage anti-static bar for short distance
MEJ anti-static bars are often used on production machines were short range ionisation is possible and where no moving machine parts are interfering t...
Power A unit - anti-static equipment power supply controllerNext
Power A unit - anti-static equipment power supply controller
The standard model has a modern styling featuring easy-access control and connections. It is equipped with an on/off switch with an indicator lamp as ...
P-SH-N EX - High voltage anti-static bar for explosion hazardous environmentsNext
P-SH-N EX - High voltage anti-static bar for explosion hazardous environments
This anti-static bar has the same properties as the P-Sh-N. but is equipped with an integrated power unit, you do not need a high-voltage cable. This ...
EP-SH-N - High voltage anti-static bar for medium distanceNext
EP-SH-N - High voltage anti-static bar for medium distance
Each individual emitter pin of this anti-static bar is coupled capacitively to the high voltage. You will therefore not get an electrical shock when t...
Performax IQ Easy with Airknife - blowoff operation ionizing air knifeNext
Performax IQ Easy with Airknife - blowoff operation ionizing air knife
The Airknife with Performax IQ Easy is especially useful for situations where the ionisation or cleaning needs to be mobile s.a. cleaning parts with a...
HDC - Electrostatic charging barNext
HDC - Electrostatic charging bar
These rugged charging bars are used in a variety of industrial applications. The slot at the rear of the charging bar permits easy mounting. HDC charg...
BlowION - Ionizing air blowerNext
BlowION - Ionizing air blower
The BlowION ionising air blower has been designed for multifunctional applications. It features an ergonomic, robust designed extruded anodized alumin...
Charging generator CM-Lite - Voltage generator Next
Charging generator CM-Lite - Voltage generator
A compact high voltage supply with an adjustable output voltage of 0 - 20 kV (with a maximum current of 0,7 mA) clearly shown on the digital display.
Extension Box IQ - Electrostatic Intelligent control systemNext
Extension Box IQ - Electrostatic Intelligent control system
Extension IQ Easy: an extension to the IQ Easy Platform The IQ Easy platform with at least one Manager IQ Easy can be extended with the Extension IQ ...
Charge Master Micro Easy (CMME) - IML Signal generatorNext
Charge Master Micro Easy (CMME) - IML Signal generator
The CMME is a small profile footprint charging generator specially designed for IML applications. The unit has fully integrated high voltage parts and...

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AddressAalsvoort 74, NL-7241 MB Lochem

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