

26 Rue De La Republique, Amneville 57360
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1919
Employees: 200-499
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123 Product and services

Circuit Breaker Ring - Electrical Components
Circuit Breaker Ring - Electrical Components
We produce circuit breaker rings, either raw or fully machined, in copper alloys or pure copper.
Housing Ring & Sealing Housing - Aerospace Industry - Engine & Brake SystemNext
Housing Ring & Sealing Housing - Aerospace Industry - Engine & Brake System
We supply raw or finished machined housing rings for engines and sealing housings for brake systems. Stainless steel: X5CrNiCu17-4...
Circuit breaker socket - Electrical components
Circuit breaker socket - Electrical components
We produce circuit breaker sockets, either raw or fully machined, in copper alloys or pure copper.
Feeding Tube - Extraction/Grinding - Nickel Processing Furnace
Feeding Tube - Extraction/Grinding - Nickel Processing Furnace
We produce feed tubes, either raw or fully machined, for nickel processing furnaces. Alloy: Special nickel...
Column pipe - Pumps - vertical pump
Column pipe - Pumps - vertical pump
We manufacture rough or fully machined column pipe in duplex steel and aluminium bronze. Excellent weldability and corrosion resistance due to the ...
Discharge Tube - Components for Vertical Pumps
Discharge Tube - Components for Vertical Pumps
We produce discharge tubes, either raw or fully machined, for vertical pumps in duplex and copper-aluminum. Excellent weldability and corrosion resis...
Wear Ring & Blanks - Aerospace Industry - Landing VehicleNext
Wear Ring & Blanks - Aerospace Industry - Landing Vehicle
We manufacture raw or finished wear rings and blanks from 2 1/2" to 15" or more (wall thickness according to your requirements) • made of aluminum br...
Furnace roller - Steel strip coating process
Furnace roller - Steel strip coating process
We manufacture rough or fully machined furnace roller in refractory alloy...
Shaft liner sealing bearing & labyrinth & wearing ring - Turbines - components for hydraulic turbines
Shaft liner sealing bearing & labyrinth & wearing ring - Turbines - components for hydraulic turbines
We manufacture rough or fully machined shaft liner sealing bearing & labyrinth in aluminium bronze and specific nickel lead bronze. Excellent for u...
Galvanizing Roll & Stabilization Roll - GalvanizationNext
Galvanizing Roll & Stabilization Roll - Galvanization
We manufacture galvanizing rolls (raw or finished) for hot-dip galvanizing and stabilization rolls made of stainless steel.
Bush & liner - Shipbuilding - rudder stock systemNext
Bush & liner - Shipbuilding - rudder stock system
We manufacture rough or fully machined bush and liner for rudder stock system in copper alloys or stainless steel ...
Sand castings INOXYDA - Sand castings of copper alloys from the company INOXYDANext
Sand castings INOXYDA - Sand castings of copper alloys from the company INOXYDA
Sand casting of copper alloys, mainly nickel aluminium bronze Maximum weight: 50 tons. Staff: 50 employees. Turnover: approx. 8 M€ 4 et 8 rue ...
Pot roller for hot dip zinc & stabilizing roller - Steel industry - hot-dip galvanizationNext
Pot roller for hot dip zinc & stabilizing roller - Steel industry - hot-dip galvanization
We manufacture rough or fully machined pot roller for hot dip zinc and stablibilizing roller in stainless steel ...
Wear Ring & Raw Blank - Aerospace - Landing GearNext
Wear Ring & Raw Blank - Aerospace - Landing Gear
We produce wear rings (either raw or fully machined) and raw blanks (wall thickness according to your needs) for landing gear in: • copper-aluminum: ...
Bearing - Chemical industry - centrifuge machine
Bearing - Chemical industry - centrifuge machine
We manufacture rough or fully machined bearing for centrifuge machine : WNr 1.4591 GX5CrNiMoNb19-11-2...

Location and contact

Address26 Rue De La Republique, FR-57360 Amneville

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