

26 Rue De La Republique, Amneville 57360
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1919
Employees: 200-499
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123 Product and services

Bushings for Casting Pan - Die Casting Production Lines
Bushings for Casting Pan - Die Casting Production Lines
We supply bushings for continuous casting production lines made of pure copper.
Circuit breaker bush - Electrical components - for electrical power plant
Circuit breaker bush - Electrical components - for electrical power plant
We manufacture rough or fully machined circuit breaker bush for electrical power plant in copper alloys or pure copper...
Cover, Sleeve & Sealing System - Shipbuilding - Drive ShaftNext
Cover, Sleeve & Sealing System - Shipbuilding - Drive Shaft
We cast covers, bushings & sealing systems (raw or finished) from bronze, multi-alloy aluminum bronze, copper-nickel.
Shaft, sleeve, and sealing ring - Shipbuilding - propulsion lineNext
Shaft, sleeve, and sealing ring - Shipbuilding - propulsion line
We manufacture bearings, shaft sleeves, and sealing systems in raw or fully machined forms for the propulsion line, using copper alloys or stainless s...
Bearing housing, liner & sealing system - Shipbuilding - propulsion lineNext
Bearing housing, liner & sealing system - Shipbuilding - propulsion line
We manufacture rough or fully machined bearing housing, liner and sealing system for propulsion line in copper alloys or stainless steel Cast in B...
Screw nut - Press industry - screw pressNext
Screw nut - Press industry - screw press
We manufacture rough or fully machined screw nut in high tensile brass, tin bronze...
Wave Cover & Seal Ring - Pumps - Vertical Pump
Wave Cover & Seal Ring - Pumps - Vertical Pump
We manufacture shaft sleeves & wear rings (raw or finished) for vertical pumps in duplex stainless steel.
Components for Pumps - Chemistry
Components for Pumps - Chemistry
We manufacture raw or fully machined pump components: WNr 1.4027 GX20Cr14...
Oven Roll - Galvanization
Oven Roll - Galvanization
We manufacture oven rolls (raw or finished) from refractory metals...
Aluminum Centrifugation - Aluminum Centrifuged Parts
Aluminum Centrifugation - Aluminum Centrifuged Parts
LBI manufactures a wide range of alloys. Our expertise in production and materials has gained nearly 100 years of experience in the foundry industry, ...
Body & flange - Valves - for 2 or 3 pieces ball valvesNext
Body & flange - Valves - for 2 or 3 pieces ball valves
We manufacture rough or fully machined body and flange for 3 pieces ball valves in : • Austenitic stainless steel Alloys (CF8M, CF3M…) • Aluminium-B...
Ring & rough machined blanks - Aerospace - landing gearsNext
Ring & rough machined blanks - Aerospace - landing gears
We manufacture rough or fully machined rings and rough machined blanks from 2 1/2 " up to 15 " or more (wall thickness per your requirements) • in ...
Seat & sealing ring - Valves - for ball and butterfly valvesNext
Seat & sealing ring - Valves - for ball and butterfly valves
We manufacture rough or fully machined seat and sealing ring for ball and butterfly valves in : • Austenitic stainless steel Alloys (CF8M, CF3M…) • ...
Feeding tube - Cement & mining industry - nickel processing furnaces
Feeding tube - Cement & mining industry - nickel processing furnaces
We manufacture rough or fully machined feeding tube for nickel processing furnaces in nickel super alloy...
Body & actuator - Valves - components for ball valves and butterfly valvesNext
Body & actuator - Valves - components for ball valves and butterfly valves
Nous produisons des corps et brides pour vannes à bille et vannes papillon, bruts ou entièrement usinés, en : • Alliages inoxydables austénitiques (CF...

Location and contact

Address26 Rue De La Republique, FR-57360 Amneville

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