Juterigatan 9, Önköping 553 18
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2017
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85 Product and services

Tre Pellets
Tre Pellets
A1 wood pellets Diameter: 6mm-8mm Low dust content <1% High ash melting temperature> 1200 ° C Made from the best virgin woods...
Birch lumbers
Birch lumbers
Thickness: 25(28);32 (35);38(42);50(54)mm Width: min 110 mm Length: mainly 3000 (+50-100) mm (but possible from 1000 mm) Kiln dried unedged birch: Qua...
Oak Firewood
Oak Firewood
We Supply fresh and kiln dried Oak firewood. Length usually is adjustable to each customer request, but usually we have two standard sizes 25- 27 cm a...
Unedged Beech lumber
Unedged Beech lumber
The unedged beech lumber is designed in particular for producing a wide range of furniture like chairs, tables, dressers, sideboards, cupboards, doors...
Pine Firewood
Pine Firewood
We Supply fresh and kiln dried Oak firewood. Length usually is adjustable to each customer request, but usually we have two standard sizes 25- 27 cm a...
Red Oak Logs
Red Oak Logs
The oak wood logs are also for producing and designing a wide range of wooden furniture Color: A rich greyish brown Quantity: Per cubic meter quality:...
Half Pallets
Half Pallets
Dimensions: 600 x 800 x 144 mm Standards: IPPC ISPM-15, Kiln dried Material: Soft and hard woods (e.g. pine, spruce, poplar) Additional info: In addit...
European Wood Pellet Consumption: The majority of consumption went to heat production, which represented 61.8%. Pellet consumption for heat can furthe...
Beech Wood ElementsNext
Beech Wood Elements
The wood elements are used primarily for various purposes such as legs and Bench frames, tables, chairs and more. You can order beech wood elements as...
Cylindrical/ Pini Kay Charcoal
Cylindrical/ Pini Kay Charcoal
These briquettes in the Cylindrical/ Pini Kay charcoal are highly appreciated for their unique features like no smoke, no smell, no spark and much eff...
Oak Wood Chips
Oak Wood Chips
Oak Wood chips may be used as a biomass solid fuel and are raw material for producing wood pulp. They may also be used as organic mulch in gardening, ...
Kiln Dried Firewood
Kiln Dried Firewood
Kiln dried firewood is the best clean alternative to traditional firewood. Kiln dried firewood logs have a moisture content of less than 20% and reduc...
Ash Firewood
Ash Firewood
Size: 25 -30cm (it is possible to get different sizes as well) • Moisture : 18 % or fresh • Weight: 25 – 27 kg • Split size: 8 cm...
One-way Pallets
One-way Pallets
Dimensions: To client specifications Standards: To client specifications Material: Soft and hard woods (e.g. pine, spruce, poplar, alder, beech etc.) ...
Wood Pellets
Wood Pellets
Premium Wood Pellets • Pine Wood Pellets • Spruce Wood Pellets • Beech Wood Pellets • Sawdust Wood Pellets • Oak Wood Pellets • Birch Wood Pellets...

Location and contact

AddressJuterigatan 9, SE-553 18 Önköping

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