Juterigatan 9, Önköping 553 18
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Founded: 2017
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85 Product and services

Wooden Pellets
Wooden Pellets
European wood pellet consumption: The majority of consumption went to heat production, corresponding to 61.8%. Pellet consumption for heating can be f...
Finger Jointed PineNext
Finger Jointed Pine
Doors, Windows, shelves, cabinets, tables, chairs, wall cladding and many more. We can design finger joint wood in decorative profiles and elements ac...
Wood Pellet
Wood Pellet
European firewood consumption: Most of the consumption was for heat production, accounting for 61.8%. The consumption of pellets for heat can be divid...
Unedged Beech Lumber
Unedged Beech Lumber
Description Type Beech Lumber Thickness 3-5mm Application Floor Use Color Brown, Creamy Pattern Plain Feature High Strength...
Yellow Southern Pine Logs
Yellow Southern Pine Logs
Type of Species European Softwood Species Pine (Pinus sylvestris) – Scots Pine, Maritime Pine (Pinus pinaster), Spruce (Picea abies) Volume 500 – 2000...
Beech lumbers unedged
Beech lumbers unedged
Beech lumbers Lenght: 500 – 4000mm Width: 50 mm and up Thickness: 18mm and up KD 6-12%; 12-18%; AD; Origin: Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Polland ...
Alder Firewood
Alder Firewood
Packaging: 22l and 40 l bags, 1m3 and 2m3 boxes. The packaging is also adjustable according to Client Specification Specification • Size: 25 -30cm (it...
Unfinished European Walnut Hardwood Timber
Unfinished European Walnut Hardwood Timber
The Unedged walnut wood lumber is designed in for producing a wide range of furniture like chairs, tables, dressers, sideboards, cupboards, doors and ...
Pine Spruce lumbers
Pine Spruce lumbers
Pine Spruce lumbers Lenght: 400 mm and up Width: 50 mm and up Thickness: 13mm and up KD 6-12%; 12-18%; fresh Origin Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia G...
Sawn Oak Timber
Sawn Oak Timber
Grade AA, AB, BB, ABC or FAS/F1F, 2A Common (No. 2AC) or “Rustic” Available Thickness 24/ 28/ 30/ 32/ 33/ 38/ 40/ 45/ 50/ Available Width 90+mm Availa...
Pini Kay Briquettes
Pini Kay Briquettes
Product description PINY KAY briquettes or PINI KAY briquettes consist in rectangular form agglomerations with easy stacking and handling. Because of ...
Oak Plywood
Oak Plywood
These red oak plywood panels offer excellent strength, dimensional stability, and screw holding ability. Ideal for projects where shrinking, warping, ...
Ruf Briquettes
Ruf Briquettes
RUF briquettes are made in square shape usually, and have the same functions of other models. Easy stacking and handling, and can be made by different...
Hookah Shisha Charcoal
Hookah Shisha Charcoal
Shisha charcoal incense charcoal hookah charcoal Dutch charcoal are one of the best pure smoking charcoal With high quality and standard.
European Beech LumberNext
European Beech Lumber
European beech lumber Intended for the industry. Beech wood lumber, in particular, is used for producing and designing a wide range of furniture like ...

Location and contact

AddressJuterigatan 9, SE-553 18 Önköping

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