Kulturstraße 73, Duisburg 47055
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Founded: 1961
Employees: 20-49
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8 Product and services

TSSR Meter - Measuring Crosslink Density - Anisothermal Stress Relaxation Test for Determining Crosslink Density.
TSSR Meter - Measuring Crosslink Density - Anisothermal Stress Relaxation Test for Determining Crosslink Density.
The TSSR meter can be used to perform both conventional isothermal relaxation measurements and Temperature Scanning Stress Relaxation, abbreviated as ...
AQUATRAC-V Plastic Moisture Meter - Moisture Meter for Plastics according to ISO 15512:2019 for Laboratory and ProductionNext
AQUATRAC-V Plastic Moisture Meter - Moisture Meter for Plastics according to ISO 15512:2019 for Laboratory and Production
The AQUATRAC V is a residual moisture measuring device that can be used both in the laboratory and in production without specialized personnel. The me...
AQUATRAC Station - Moisture Measurement Device - Water-Selective Residual Moisture Analysis without Chemicals for Production and Laboratory.Next
AQUATRAC Station - Moisture Measurement Device - Water-Selective Residual Moisture Analysis without Chemicals for Production and Laboratory.
The AQUATRAC Station is a residual moisture measurement device that can be used in both the laboratory and production without specialized personnel. T...
AQUATRAC - V - moisture meter for plastics - Moisture Meter for Plastics according to ISO 15512 for laboratory and productionNext
AQUATRAC - V - moisture meter for plastics - Moisture Meter for Plastics according to ISO 15512 for laboratory and production
The AQUATRAC-V is a residual moisture meter that can be used in the laboratory as well as in production without qualified personnel. The Measurement i...
TSSR-Meter measurement of cross-linking density
TSSR-Meter measurement of cross-linking density
Anisothermal stress relaxation test for determination of cross-linking density. - The TSSR-Meter can be used to perform conventional isothermal relaxa...
CONVIMETER - Inline process viscometer - The CONVIMETER continuously measures the viscosity in the production process.
CONVIMETER - Inline process viscometer - The CONVIMETER continuously measures the viscosity in the production process.
The CONVIMETER® records viscosity efficiently in process of fluids and pastes and can be used for adjustment control, also. Therefore it is a necessar...
CONVIMETER - Inline Process Viscometer - The CONVIMETER continuously measures viscosity in the production process.
CONVIMETER - Inline Process Viscometer - The CONVIMETER continuously measures viscosity in the production process.
The CONVIMETER® is used for continuous viscosity measurement and, if necessary, regulation of liquids and pastes of all kinds in the production proces...
AQUATRAC Station residual moisture meter - Water-selective residual moisture meter without chemicals.Next
AQUATRAC Station residual moisture meter - Water-selective residual moisture meter without chemicals.
The AQUATRAC Station is a residual moisture meter that can be used both in the laboratory and in production without qualified personnel. The measureme...

Location and contact

AddressKulturstraße 73, DE-47055 Duisburg

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