

Altchemnitzer Strasse 11, Chemnitz 09120
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2005
Employees: 20-49
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About us
We offer expert consulting and services for fluid dynamics challenges in both experimental and numerical/simulative areas, with a focus on multiphase flows. In addition, we support companies in the design of particle separators using modern measurement techniques as well as numerical flow simulation (CFD). Another focus is on the atomization technology of liquids. Here, we provide spray nozzle designs and spray analyses using modern optical measurement methods.

10 Product and services

Hydro Cyclones
Hydro Cyclones
Hydro cyclone units are applied in order to separate coarse and fine solid particles from liquids . These type of separators are particularly capable ...
Cyclone Simulation
Cyclone Simulation
The Suvis GmbH also deals with the application of modern numerical methods for the lay out and optimisation of various separator types like cyclones.
Laser Diffraction Methods
Laser Diffraction Methods
In various chemical or physical and technical processes particles of the order of 1 μm up to a few mm in size appear, whose size distribution is decis...
Cfd Simulation
Cfd Simulation
A further area of activity of Suvis is the development and application of modern numerical methods for the calculation (prediction) of flows using CFD...
Flat Pressure Sensors
Flat Pressure Sensors
The Suvis GmbH offers flat pressure sensors (see photograph), which we produce ourselves and which can be used for classical static pressure measureme...
The measurement technique of LaserDopplerVelocimetry (LDV) is one of the most frequently applied modern measurement techniques in fluid mechanics to p...
Spray Analysis
Spray Analysis
For the generation and production of a spray the knowledge of information like the desired droplet size and its distribution is of fundamental importa...
Gas Cyclones
Gas Cyclones
The gas cyclone belongs to the mostly applied technical separators, because it has applicationwise some fundamental advantages. One of them is certain...
Another working area of the Suvis GmbH is the field of innovative sensor systems applied to particle and flow measurements taking into account microsy...
Phase Doppler Anemometry
Phase Doppler Anemometry
Particle size measurements are important in various applied sciences and in engineering, for example in fuel burning or in cavitation research as well...

Location and contact

AddressAltchemnitzer Strasse 11, DE-09120 Chemnitz

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