

Rue Gabriel Lippmann 48, Niederanven 6947
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1994
Employees: 5-9
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300 Product and services

ABES Bollard 032 - Bollard 032Next
ABES Bollard 032 - Bollard 032
ABES Bollard 032 is a rectangular cast aluminium bollard fitted flush with the top, with inward vertical walls. Mounting Removable with 3p-Techn...
ABES Bollard 069 - Bollard 069Next
ABES Bollard 069 - Bollard 069
ABES Bollard 069 is a cylindrical cast aluminium bollards with a wide, circular recess at the top and a tapering base. Mounting Removable with 3p-...
ABES Terminal 062 - Terminal 062Next
ABES Terminal 062 - Terminal 062
ABES Borne 062 is a cylindrical aluminum cast post with a base divided into two parts and a raised ring located beneath the enlarged spherical head.
ABES Barrier Post 076-10 - Barrier Post 076-10Next
ABES Barrier Post 076-10 - Barrier Post 076-10
ABES Bollard 076-10 is a cylindrical barrier post made of galvanized steel with a flat top finish. Mounting - Removable with 3p technology. - Alterna...
ABES Bollard 065 - Bollard 065Next
ABES Bollard 065 - Bollard 065
ABES Bollard 065 is a rectangular bollard made from steel with a flat top. Mounting Removable with 3p-Technology, comprising a ground shell, a j...
ABES Barrier Post 008 - Barrier Post 008Next
ABES Barrier Post 008 - Barrier Post 008
ABES Bollard 008 is a cylindrical barrier post made of aluminum casting, featuring three integrated circumferential grooves and a tapered base. Mount...
ABES Barrier Post 009-1/-2 - Barrier Post 009-1/-2Next
ABES Barrier Post 009-1/-2 - Barrier Post 009-1/-2
ABES Bollard 009 is a cylindrical barrier post made of aluminum casting with a tapered base. Mounting Designed for removal using 3p technology, cons...
ABES Terminal 013 - Terminal 013Next
ABES Terminal 013 - Terminal 013
ABES Borne 013 is a slightly conical aluminum cast post featuring a circumferential ring that separates the head from the rest of the post, along with...
ABES Bollard 070 - Bollard 070Next
ABES Bollard 070 - Bollard 070
ABES Bollard 070 is a cylindrical cast aluminium bollards with a wide, circular recess at the top and a cylindrical base. Mounting Removable with ...
ABES Barrier Post 062 - Barrier Post 062Next
ABES Barrier Post 062 - Barrier Post 062
ABES Poller 062 is a cylindrical barrier post made of aluminum casting with a two-part base and a raised ring below the enlarged spherical head. Moun...
ABES Terminal 071 - Terminal 071Next
ABES Terminal 071 - Terminal 071
ABES Borne 071 is a square aluminum cast post with rounded corners, featuring a wide annular recess in the upper area and a flat-topped head. Install...
ABES Bollard 074 - Bollard 074Next
ABES Bollard 074 - Bollard 074
ABES Bollard 074 is a square steel bollard with slightly pyramidal square top. Mounting Removable with 3p-Technology. Alternative: concrete embed...
ABES Terminal 043 - Terminal 043Next
ABES Terminal 043 - Terminal 043
ABES Borne 043 is a cylindrical post made of aluminum cast iron with a continuous groove molded into the body and a conical base. Installation Remov...
ABES Skirt Hanger 525 - Skirt Hanger 525Next
ABES Skirt Hanger 525 - Skirt Hanger 525
ABES Pollerascher 525 is a continuously cylindrical cigarette ashtray with a slanted insertion area. It features a cigarette emblem cut out in outline...
ABES Terminal 008 - Terminal 008Next
ABES Terminal 008 - Terminal 008
ABES Borne 008 is a cylindrical post with three continuous grooves molded into the mass and a conical base. Installation Removable model equipped wi...

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Location and contact

AddressRue Gabriel Lippmann 48, LU-6947 Niederanven

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