

Rue Gabriel Lippmann 48, Niederanven 6947
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1994
Employees: 5-9
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300 Product and services

ABES Bollard 066 - Bollard 066Next
ABES Bollard 066 - Bollard 066
ABES Bollard 066 is a rectangular steel barrier with slightly rounded corners and a flat, square header piece. Mounting Removable with 3p-Technolo...
ABES Barrier Post 001 - Barrier Post 001Next
ABES Barrier Post 001 - Barrier Post 001
ABES Poller 001 is a cylindrical barrier post made of aluminum casting, featuring ten integrated circumferential grooves and a tapered base. Mounting...
ABES Terminal 065 - Terminal 065Next
ABES Terminal 065 - Terminal 065
ABES Borne 065 is a rectangular steel post featuring a flat-topped design. Installation Removable model equipped with 3p Technology, including an em...
ABES Bollard 076-10 - Bollard 076-10Next
ABES Bollard 076-10 - Bollard 076-10
ABES Bollard 076-10 is a cylindrical bollard made from galvanised steel with flat top. Mounting Removable with 3p-Technology. Alternative: concre...
ABES Terminal 010 - Terminal 010Next
ABES Terminal 010 - Terminal 010
ABES Borne 010 is a cylindrical post featuring three grooves molded into the upper section and a pronounced cylindrical base. Installation Removable...
ABES Barrier Post 001-1 - Barrier Post 001-1Next
ABES Barrier Post 001-1 - Barrier Post 001-1
ABES Bollard 001-1 is a cylindrical barrier post made of aluminum casting, featuring five integrated circumferential grooves and a tapered base. Moun...
ABES Barrier Post 021 - Barrier Post 021Next
ABES Barrier Post 021 - Barrier Post 021
ABES Bollard 021 is a cylindrical barrier post made of aluminum casting, whose flat top part is distinctly characterized by a long, elongated notch.
ABES Bollard 064 - Bollard 064Next
ABES Bollard 064 - Bollard 064
ABES Bollard 064 is a square bollard made from cast aluminium with a flat top. Mounting Removable with 3p-Technology, comprising a ground shell,...
ABES Terminal 056 - Terminal 056Next
ABES Terminal 056 - Terminal 056
ABES Borne 056 is a fully cylindrical post made of galvanized steel/stainless steel featuring a peripheral groove and a slightly convex top. Installa...
ABES Barrier Post 024 - Barrier Post 024Next
ABES Barrier Post 024 - Barrier Post 024
ABES Poller 024 is a cylindrical barrier post made of aluminum casting, featuring an embedded groove that visually separates the head area from the po...
ABES Terminal 028 - Terminal 028Next
ABES Terminal 028 - Terminal 028
ABES Borne 028 is a cylindrical post made of aluminum cast iron, mounted on a two-part base. The upper part of the post features a continuous ring top...
ABES Terminal 039 - Terminal 039Next
ABES Terminal 039 - Terminal 039
ABES Borne 039 is a cylindrical post made of aluminum cast with three-part circumferential rings located below the rounded top and at the base. Insta...
ABES Terminal 040 - Terminal 040Next
ABES Terminal 040 - Terminal 040
ABES Borne 040 is a cylindrical post made of aluminum cast with a spherical top, featuring a circumferential ring below the head and another above the...
ABES Terminal 009-1/-2 - Terminal 009-1/-2Next
ABES Terminal 009-1/-2 - Terminal 009-1/-2
ABES Borne 009 is a cylindrical post with a conical base. Installation Removable model equipped with 3p Technology, featuring a recessed socket, a j...
ABES Barrier Post 061 - Barrier Post 061Next
ABES Barrier Post 061 - Barrier Post 061
ABES Poller 061 is a cylindrical barrier post made of aluminum casting, featuring a flat top and an integrated circumferential groove. Mounting Desi...

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AddressRue Gabriel Lippmann 48, LU-6947 Niederanven

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