

Oruç Reis Mahallesi Tekstilkent Cad. Tekstilkent A07 Blok No:10AN Iç Kapi: 103 Esenler - Istanbul/Türkiye, Istanbul 34000
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About us
We have been exporting non-slip printed carpets from Istanbul for 10 years. We can print any design you want on our products and we promise flawless quality. We export to all countries.

1 Product or service

Digital Printed Non-Slip Base Carpet Yıltaş Carpet - Digital printed non-slip base - antibacterial - machine washable carpet
Digital Printed Non-Slip Base Carpet Yıltaş Carpet - Digital printed non-slip base - antibacterial - machine washable carpet
Digital printed non-slip base - antibacterial - machine washable carpet Yıltaş Carpet http://yiltashali.com/tr/ Turkey/Istanbul...

Keywords1 keyword

Location and contact

AddressOruç Reis Mahallesi Tekstilkent Cad. Tekstilkent A07 Blok No:10AN Iç Kapi: 103 Esenler - Istanbul/Türkiye, TR-34000 Istanbul

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