

Lise-Meitner-Allee 20, Tornesch 25436
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1984
Employees: 50-99
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76 Product and services

Chemical Pump - CHEM-SP - Chemical Pump - CHEM-SP
Chemical Pump - CHEM-SP - Chemical Pump - CHEM-SP
Dosing Pumps Dosing pumps are used in a wide range of applications, such as fiber production. Synthetic fibers are becoming increasingly important. T...
Fusion Pump - POLY-AT - Fusion Pump for Polymer Production
Fusion Pump - POLY-AT - Fusion Pump for Polymer Production
Efficient discharge pumps in AT design The POLY-AT series offers a high degree of flexibility regarding installation under the polymer fusion reactor.
Fusion Pump - BOOSTER-AT - Fusion Pump - BOOSTER-AT
Fusion Pump - BOOSTER-AT - Fusion Pump - BOOSTER-AT
Fusion pump to increase pressure in the polymerization process. This series is the result of a complete revision of the basic components used. The BO...
Chemical Pump - CHEM - Chemical Pump - CHEMNext
Chemical Pump - CHEM - Chemical Pump - CHEM
The CHEM gear pump series has been specifically developed for the needs of the chemical industry. This series is used for pumping and transferring flu...
Hydraulically Heated Chemical Pump - Hydraulically Heated Chemical Pump for Demanding TasksNext
Hydraulically Heated Chemical Pump - Hydraulically Heated Chemical Pump for Demanding Tasks
We bring our success, extensive experience, and knowledge to the chemical industry. The requirement to pump viscous and sticky substances from a vacuu...
Gear Pump - CHEM - Gear Pump for Chemical Applications - CHEMNext
Gear Pump - CHEM - Gear Pump for Chemical Applications - CHEM
Hydraulic temperature-controlled chemical pump for a wide range of applications. This includes organic and inorganic chemicals, food oils, polymers, a...
Extrusion Pump - EXTRU M - Extrusion Pump - EXTRU M
Extrusion Pump - EXTRU M - Extrusion Pump - EXTRU M
Melt pump specifically designed for use in the production of medical tubing made from TPE, PE, or PA. The melt pump is installed downstream of the ext...
Hydraulically Heated Chemical Pump - Hydraulic Heating Chemical Pump for Heavy-Duty TasksNext
Hydraulically Heated Chemical Pump - Hydraulic Heating Chemical Pump for Heavy-Duty Tasks
We bring our success, our wealth of experience, and our know-how to the chemical industry. The requirement to pump viscous and sticky substances from ...
Pump for molten materials - BOOSTER-AT - Pump for molten materials - BOOSTER-AT
Pump for molten materials - BOOSTER-AT - Pump for molten materials - BOOSTER-AT
Fusion pump for pressure accumulation in the polymerization process. The series is the result of a complete overhaul of the main components used. The...
Chemical pump - CHEM-SP - Chemical pump - CHEM-SP
Chemical pump - CHEM-SP - Chemical pump - CHEM-SP
Dosing pumps Dosing pumps are used in a wide range of applications, such as in the production of fibres. Synthetic man-made fibres are becoming inc...
Submersible Chemical Pump - CHEM
Submersible Chemical Pump - CHEM
The CHEM series chemical pumps are used in a modified version as submersible pumps for emptying drums and containers. For example, chemicals such as l...
Chemical Pump - CHEM - Chemical Pump - CHEMNext
Chemical Pump - CHEM - Chemical Pump - CHEM
The CHEM gear pump series was specially developed for the requirements of the chemical industry. The series is used for pumping and transferring media...
EXTRU 3 -- Melt pump for HDPE / LDPE / LLDPE - Melt pump for the production and processing of HDPE / LDPE / LLDPENext
EXTRU 3 -- Melt pump for HDPE / LDPE / LLDPE - Melt pump for the production and processing of HDPE / LDPE / LLDPE
Melt pump for the production of HDPE / LDPE / LLDPE. Melt pumps of this type are used in the production and processing of HDPE / LDPE / LLDPE. The EXT...
Melt Pump - BOOSTER - Melt Pump - BOOSTERNext
Melt Pump - BOOSTER - Melt Pump - BOOSTER
The reliable booster pump for the polymerization process. The BOOSTER gear pumps from WITTE are used in the polymerization process to increase the pre...
Submersible Pump for Chemicals - CHEM
Submersible Pump for Chemicals - CHEM
The CHEM series chemical pumps are used in a modified version as submersible pumps for draining barrels and containers. For example, chemicals such as...

Company images

Exterior view of Headquarter TorneschConference RoomReception areaAssembly of a gear pump

Location and contact

AddressLise-Meitner-Allee 20, DE-25436 Tornesch

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