

MARL, Mercado Abastecedor da Região de Lisboa, Box 11, PAV R04, 2660-421, São Julião do Tojal, Lisboa 1500-154
Employees: 5-9
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About us
We have a simple goal of distributing and creating innovative, charismatic, healthy, and sustainable products for retail and HORECA channels. Distribution: We deliver a comprehensive selection of products and brands to the HORECA and Retail channels. Production: Using pure raw materials, we create natural products through exclusively mechanical processes. Representation: We travel the world to bring back to Portugal the best we find along the way.
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Location and contact

AddressMARL, Mercado Abastecedor da Região de Lisboa, Box 11, PAV R04, 2660-421, São Julião do Tojal, PT-1500-154 Lisboa

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