

37 rue de Bonnemie, St Pierre D'oléron 17310
Delivery: Worldwide
Employees: 20-49
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About us

4 Product and services

The Pearls - IGP Charentais - Ile d'Oléron
The Pearls - IGP Charentais - Ile d'Oléron
The grapes chosen for our premium range come from our best plots. They are selected for their exceptional terroirs that best embody the island of Olér...
Cognac Boyard - 100% Ile d'Oléron
Cognac Boyard - 100% Ile d'Oléron
Cognac is the DNA of Oléron viticulture. From generation to generation, our expertise has adapted to our terroir to produce Cognacs with floral and br...
Naturally - IGP Charentais Organic - Île d'Oléron
Naturally - IGP Charentais Organic - Île d'Oléron
The Vignerons d’Oléron are committed to a more environmentally friendly and human-centered approach. Some winemakers have chosen organic farming. To h...
Pineaux des Charentes - Soleil d'Oléron
Pineaux des Charentes - Soleil d'Oléron
Legend has it that a winemaker accidentally poured grape must into a barrel containing Cognac brandy. It was only many years later that he discovered ...

Location and contact

Address37 rue de Bonnemie, FR-17310 St Pierre D'oléron

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