

Lékka 23, Oraiókastro 570 13
Delivery: Europe
Founded: 1990
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26 Product and services

Airlaid 20X20 cm
Airlaid 20X20 cm
Whites & Coloreds: 1P sheets Packaging: -12 packs x 200 pieces/box...
Napkins Long 28X24 cm
Napkins Long 28X24 cm
White: sheets 1Φ Soft or Hard Packaging: – 4 packs × 750 pieces/box – 4 packs × 600 pieces/box...
Luxury blanket 33x33cm & 40x40cmNext
Luxury blanket 33x33cm & 40x40cm
The 33×33 and 40×40 Placemats are available in the same colors as the corresponding luxury napkins, with a combination of various products such as: Kn...
Restaurant napkins 24X24 cm
Restaurant napkins 24X24 cm
White: sheets 1P Soft or Hard Packaging: – 5 packs × 700 pieces / box – 5 packs × 600 pieces / box Colored: sheets 1P Soft – 5 packs × 700 pieces / bo...
Luxury napkins 40X40 cm
Luxury napkins 40X40 cm
White: leaves 2F Packing: White 2f: 8 packs x 150 pieces/box Colorants: sheets 2F Packing: -8 packs x 150 pieces/box...
EcoPack 28X24 cm Long
EcoPack 28X24 cm Long
Eco pack: sheets 1P Packaging: – Eco pack 1P : 4 packs x 750 pieces / box...
Luxury napkins 33X33 cm
Luxury napkins 33X33 cm
White: leaves 1Φ or 2Φ Packing: - White 1pc : 24 packs x 167 pieces / box - White 2pc : 12 packs x 100 pieces / box Colorants: sheets 2F Packing: -12 ...
EcoPack 20X20 cm Luxury
EcoPack 20X20 cm Luxury
Eco pack: 1P or 2P sheets Packaging: – Eco pack 1p : 12 packs x 700 pieces / box – Eco pack 2p : 12 packs x 350 pieces / box...
EcoPack 33X33 cm Luxury
EcoPack 33X33 cm Luxury
Eco pack: sheets 2P Packaging: – Eco pack 2P : 12 packs x 100 pieces/box...
Economy napkins
Economy napkins
White: 1P sheets Hard Packaging: – 5 packs × 500 pcs/box...
Luxury napkins 24X24 cm
Luxury napkins 24X24 cm
White: leaves 1Φ or 2Φ Packing: - White 1f : 6 packs x 667 pieces / box - White 2f : 5 packs x 600 pieces / box Dyes: sheets 1F Packing: -6 packs x 66...

Location and contact

AddressLékka 23, GR-570 13 Oraiókastro

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