

9 rue Gustave Eiffel, Marseille 13008
Employees: 20-49
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About us
We are a B2B company specializing in sportswear, based in Marseille. We purchase premium products from leading sportswear brands and resell them to B2B clients at competitive prices. We are looking for brands that may offer stock and wholesale clients or store owners who might be interested in purchasing stock or lots. With over 30 years of experience in sportswear, we are well-equipped to meet your needs. Contact us, and we will be happy to answer your questions!

2 Product and services

MISTRAL WESSON - Mistral Wesson Leather / Nubuck Collection
MISTRAL WESSON - Mistral Wesson Leather / Nubuck Collection
We offer the Mistral Wesson collection in original leather and Nubuck. The products are distributed in packs of 12 pieces / Women's and men's sizes. M...
Dunlop Men's Shoes
Dunlop Men's Shoes
We offer the Dunlop men's shoe collection with two models: WHITE/GRAY (as shown) and GRAY/GRAY (image available upon request). The models are sold in ...

Keywords2 keywords

Location and contact

Address9 rue Gustave Eiffel, FR-13008 Marseille

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