

126 Boulevard Haussmann, Paris 75008
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2020
Employees: 5-9
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35 Product and services

Conventional Machine Tools - Conventional Lathe - T1740
Conventional Machine Tools - Conventional Lathe - T1740
Capacity: Distance between centers: 1000 mm. Allowed diameter on the bench: 430 mm. Allowed diameter on the cross carriage: 240 mm. Diameter in th...
Tool Holder - DIN 6499Next
Tool Holder - DIN 6499
TOOL HOLDER for ER collets SK40 / SK 50 SK 40: COLLETS: ER16 / ER25 / ER32 / ER40 SK 50: COLLETS: ER16 / ER25 / ER32 / ER40...
Insert Tools - External Turning Tool Holder
Insert Tools - External Turning Tool Holder
System S System C System T System M...
Fixed Morse Taper Center - 60° - External - Fixed Steel PointsNext
Fixed Morse Taper Center - 60° - External - Fixed Steel Points
Morse taper: MK1 Outer diameter: 12.2 mm Length: 80 mm Morse taper: MK2 Outer diameter: 18.0 mm Length: 100 mm Morse taper: MK3 Outer diameter: 24.1...
Insert Tools - Internal Grooving Tool Holder
Insert Tools - Internal Grooving Tool Holder
Internal Grooving Tool Holder...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer

Location and contact

Address126 Boulevard Haussmann, FR-75008 Paris

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