

Benno-Strauß-Strasse 10, Fürth 90763
Founded: 1990
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9 Product and services

AGM Batteries - Long Life (LL)
AGM Batteries - Long Life (LL)
The Triathlon series LL in AGM technology stands for the highest demands.
Sealed Batteries - Triathlon OPzS
Sealed Batteries - Triathlon OPzS
Proven energy suppliers with long lifespan, highest reliability even for critical applications and cyclic operation.
BSV-Medipower 230/400 V
BSV-Medipower 230/400 V
Systems that can save lives BSV systems for particularly secure power supply Max. input voltage tolerance: + 20 % / - 15 % Regulation time for tolera...
GEL Batteries - Triathlon OPzV
GEL Batteries - Triathlon OPzV
OPzV batteries are sealed batteries in which the electrolyte is gel-bound.
GEL Batteries
GEL Batteries
Delivers Long-Term High Performance GEL Batteries for Demanding Applications The sealed GEL batteries are particularly suited for harsh, demanding op...
Emergency Lighting - Trinet
Emergency Lighting - Trinet
Product Features: Modular, expandable system with maximum flexibility Fail-safe due to distributed intelligence Product Features: Autonomous substati...
AGM Batteries
AGM Batteries
Maintenance-free operation in rail applications under high resistance AGM batteries for every requirement profile The AGM batteries from Triathlon Sy...
AGM Batteries - High Power (HP)
AGM Batteries - High Power (HP)
The Triathlon series HP in AGM technology stands for the highest standards. It is excellently suited for uninterruptible power supply (UPS).
BSV Systems OP-Light
BSV Systems OP-Light
Systems that can save lives BSV systems for particularly safe power supply Scope of delivery for the basic version: • Charging unit with IU character...

Location and contact

AddressBenno-Strauß-Strasse 10, DE-90763 Fürth

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