

Färbereistrasse 8, Leutershausen 91578
Delivery: National
Founded: 2003
Employees: 20-49
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About us
As a medium-sized company in the carpentry and joinery trade, we are committed to special doors and special windows.

7 Product and services

Fire Protection Window
Fire Protection Window
Openable fire protection windows, fire resistance: EI30, EI60, EI90...
T90 Door
T90 Door
90 minutes of fire resistance - a challenge we can meet with closed door leaves or as a frame door.
Fire Protection Doors
Fire Protection Doors
Fire protection doors T30 to T89, single or double-leaf, with/without side panel/transom, additional options such as sound insulation, burglary resist...
Smoke Protection Doors
Smoke Protection Doors
Smoke protection doors - closed door leaves, with vision panel or as solid wood frame doors - of course also with additional features.
Openable Vent Wing
Openable Vent Wing
Windows that can withstand fire and remain open for ventilation - this is the desire when fire protection windows are necessary. We fulfill such wishe...
Solid Wood Doors
Solid Wood Doors
Solid wood or full wood doors with and without functions such as fire/smoke or sound protection.
Fire Protection on Site
Fire Protection on Site
In representative buildings, standard is rarely required. When it comes to doors, we are the perfect partners.

Location and contact

AddressFärbereistrasse 8, DE-91578 Leutershausen

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