

Lingwiesenstraße 1, Korntal-Münchingen 70825
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1956
Employees: 100-199
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25 Product and services

ROTOPRINT Tampondruckautomation - Rotary pad printing machine for printing closures.Next
ROTOPRINT Tampondruckautomation - Rotary pad printing machine for printing closures.
The ROTOPRINT can be equipped for print images in one to three colors. Depending on the configuration, the concept allows for a maximum production rat...
Applications for the toy industry with pad printing and laser marking
Applications for the toy industry with pad printing and laser marking
TAMPOPRINT GmbH is an established partner of European brand manufacturers in the toy industry. Our pad printing and laser printing automations meet th...
Applications for the electrical industry with pad printing and laser marking
Applications for the electrical industry with pad printing and laser marking
TAMPOPRINT automatic pad printing and laser printing lines meet the highest quality standards, even when working in teams and at high throughput rates...
Applications for the automotive industry - Applications for the automotive industry with Tampondruck and laser engraving
Applications for the automotive industry - Applications for the automotive industry with Tampondruck and laser engraving
For the automotive industry, we label, scale, and decorate to the highest standards. Our selection of machines ranges from independent solutions for m...
ENCODER Series - Pad Printing Machines for the Most Challenging Printing PositionsNext
ENCODER Series - Pad Printing Machines for the Most Challenging Printing Positions
The ENCODER machine series has been specifically designed for integration into all types of automation. Variable control options: For the EP series, ...
Pad printing inks - TAMPOPRINT® pad printing inks for all pad printing systems.
Pad printing inks - TAMPOPRINT® pad printing inks for all pad printing systems.
For the pad printing process, screen printing inks (CMYK) as well as opaque pad printing inks in various shades are used. Today, the extensive range o...
HYBRID Pad Printing Machine Series - Two-Color Pad Printing Machine with Integrated Plate Making.Next
HYBRID Pad Printing Machine Series - Two-Color Pad Printing Machine with Integrated Plate Making.
The future of pad printing lies in integrated cliché production using laser engraving. The pad printing machine HYBRID 90-2 combines the concept of "h...
Accessories - Accessories for pad printing technologyNext
Accessories - Accessories for pad printing technology
TAMPOPRINT offers a comprehensive range of accessories for pad printing technology. From accessories for pad printing machines, such as printing plate...
MODULE ONE Pad Printing Machine Series - Customizable Efficient Pad Printing Machine SeriesNext
MODULE ONE Pad Printing Machine Series - Customizable Efficient Pad Printing Machine Series
The ergonomic guiding principle for the MODULE ONE series was to develop an easy-to-use machine with processes that are visually intuitive. Additional...
V-DUO Series - Pad printing machines for printing two-color images.Next
V-DUO Series - Pad printing machines for printing two-color images.
The V-DUO series is a series of machines with 2 colors. The unique functional principle allows for very high yields. The V-shaped stamp bridge enables...

Location and contact

AddressLingwiesenstraße 1, DE-70825 Korntal-Münchingen

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