

Dehemlaan 27, An der rollbahn 2, 89340 leipheim, duitsland, Ieper 8900
Founded: 2005
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5 Product and services

Screen fabric with viewing window - Shining in Shades
Screen fabric with viewing window - Shining in Shades
Custom-made sun shading fabric with a Cristal Plus viewing window.
Improved ZIP Technology - rags
Improved ZIP Technology - rags
Sunconfex has successfully implemented a newly developed zipper tape for welding the zipper to the fabric. Although the zipper tape is significantly t...
Custom Canopy Fabric - Shining in Shades
Custom Canopy Fabric - Shining in Shades
The fabric is an essential component of your shading system. At Sunconfex, we specialize in the production of fabrics for both screens and awnings.
ClickOn2 - mounting profile
ClickOn2 - mounting profile
The plug & play principle ensures that the fabric can be attached to the top roller much faster than traditional systems. With one simple motion, the ...
Visitex - bottom rail attachment
Visitex - bottom rail attachment
The Visitex confirmation method from Sunconfex ensures that the bottom rail can be mounted to the fabric without a visible seam.

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Location and contact

AddressDehemlaan 27, An der rollbahn 2, 89340 leipheim, duitsland, BE-8900 Ieper

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