

Saraylar Mahallesi 464 sokak Durmus Coban Is Merkezi Kat7 Da.12 Merkezefendi Denizli, Merkezefendi / Denizli 20040
Employees: 5-9
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About us
Producing and designing robotic systems and automation for the glass industry, marble industry, and other sectors. We manufacture special machines and systems for all industries. Consultancy for glass production and autoglass manufacturing with over 20 years of experience. Supplying sub-materials for the glass industry. Also selling: Waterjet, grinding, cutting, printing, tempering furnaces, laminating lines, and bending furnaces for windshields, laser technology, and spare parts.
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AddressSaraylar Mahallesi 464 sokak Durmus Coban Is Merkezi Kat7 Da.12 Merkezefendi Denizli, TR-20040 Merkezefendi / Denizli

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