Stettener Strasse 22, Schwaigern 74193
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About us
Manufacturer of extrusion systems for profiles and small pipes. Belt pull-off extruder Co extruder calibration table special machine construction control cabinet construction

7 Product and services

Calibration Table
Calibration Table
ECO Series Calibration Tables in various sizes and configurations. From simple to multi-axis versions.
Control Cabinet Construction
Control Cabinet Construction
We plan, manufacture, and commission control cabinets for automation technology.
Cooling Water Tank
Cooling Water Tank
Water tank with aggregate carrier. Autonomous water station for extrusion systems. The auxiliary device can be equipped modularly. Available options ...
Band Drawings for Extrusion Technology
Band Drawings for Extrusion Technology
Standard and special band extracts in various sizes, drive powers, and designs ECO band extract series for extrusion technology.
linear cable engines, bow cable engine, cable conveyor device, cable pusher device, roller arch, cable feed unit
linear cable engines, bow cable engine, cable conveyor device, cable pusher device, roller arch, cable feed unit
Handling and laying equipment for submarine cables. State-of-the-art and gentle coiling and laying of heavy cables. Fully electronic. Fully electroni...
Main Extruder, Extruder, Single Screw Extruder
Main Extruder, Extruder, Single Screw Extruder
Main extruders of the ECO and HiEx series. The ECO series are the compact workhorses of the extrusion industry. Meanwhile, the HiEx variant is charact...
Injection Extruder
Injection Extruder
Injection extruders and co-extruders for extrusion technology as ECO standard or custom design...

Location and contact

AddressStettener Strasse 22, DE-74193 Schwaigern
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