Philipp-Reis-Strasse 5, Rodgau 63110
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Pump technologies and solutions ...

5 Product and services

Booster Pumping Station - Multicell
Booster Pumping Station - Multicell
The Multicell series booster systems are equipped with 2 to 6 pumps depending on the requirements. The fully automatic booster systems are compact and...
Industrial Pumps - IN-VB
Industrial Pumps - IN-VB
Stage centrifugal pumps of the series IN-VB(-S) are multi-stage vertical centrifugal pumps in IN-LINE design. The self-priming pumps are characterized...
Fire Water Booster Systems
Fire Water Booster Systems
The booster systems contain 1 - 6 standard suction multistage centrifugal pumps. The fully automatic booster systems are delivered pre-wired and compl...
Booster Pumping Station - Aquacell
Booster Pumping Station - Aquacell
The Aquacell series booster systems contain a standard suction multistage centrifugal pump. The fully automatic booster systems are compact and quiet.
BADU Eco Touch-Pro II
BADU Eco Touch-Pro II
As a revolutionary innovation with a patented permanent magnet motor, the BADU Eco Touch-Pro II breaks previous standards in energy consumption and wa...

Location and contact

AddressPhilipp-Reis-Strasse 5, DE-63110 Rodgau
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