

Waldbadstrasse 18, Steinhagen 33803
Delivery: National
Founded: 1968
Employees: 20-49
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10 Product and services

Vertical Blind
Vertical Blind
{"Materials":["Fabric, aluminum"],"Benefits":["Sun protection, glare protection","Privacy protection up to 100%","Shade for large areas","Creates a vi...
Venetian Blind (C Slat)
Venetian Blind (C Slat)
{"Materials":["Aluminum/plastic"],"Benefits":["Sun protection, glare protection, light regulation, facade design","Privacy protection","Heat and clima...
Facade Awning (FM)
Facade Awning (FM)
Benefits: Sun protection, clear design Operating modes: Motor drive, crank drive, radio operation, smartphone control Special feature: harmoniously c...
Element Blackout
Element Blackout
Especially suitable for: Schools, Meeting rooms Benefits: Privacy protection, 100% blackout Operating methods: Crank drive, Motor drive Special fea...
Venetian Blinds (S + Z Slat)
Venetian Blinds (S + Z Slat)
{"Window Width":["Up to 5 m wide and 5.2 m high, maximum area of 20 m²"],"Materials":["Aluminum/plastic"],"Benefits":["Sun protection","Glare protecti...
Pleated Shade
Pleated Shade
Benefits: Sun protection Visibility and glare protection up to 100% Heat protection Improvement of room acoustics Operating methods: Operating handle...
External Blinds
External Blinds
{"Materials":"Aluminum/plastic","Benefits":"Sun protection, glare protection, light regulation, facade design\nPrivacy protection available\nHeat and ...
Vertical Awning (VA)
Vertical Awning (VA)
{"Colors":"Available in all standard fabrics/colors","Materials":"Aluminum; Fabric: Acrylic fabric, polyester fabric; Fiberglass screen","Benefits":"H...
Interior Roller Blind
Interior Roller Blind
{"Materials":"Fabric","Benefits":"Sun protection\nVisibility and glare protection up to 100%","Customization/Dimensions":"With guide rail or free-hang...
Interior Blinds
Interior Blinds
Benefits: Sun protection, glare protection, privacy protection Operating methods: Cord pull, chain pull, hand crank, turning rod, operating handle, m...

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Location and contact

AddressWaldbadstrasse 18, DE-33803 Steinhagen

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