

Acidere OSB Mah ismet Atli Cd No 22 Adana Turkey, Yuregir 01790
Delivery: Europe
Employees: 200-499
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About us
Our factory, established to create an integrated production facility by converting the packaging papers produced within the Adana Organized Industrial Zone into final products, has been set up with a production capacity of 100,000 tons per year and continues its production activities each year with new targets. We await your requests for target price offers suitable for export, compliant with BRCGS standards, ISPM15 pallet suitability, 300KTBC board, and 200KTBC durability tests. Best regards.
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Location and contact

AddressAcidere OSB Mah ismet Atli Cd No 22 Adana Turkey, TR-01790 Yuregir
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