

45 Grande Rue DE SAINT, Rambert 69009
Delivery: National
Employees: 5-9
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13 Product and services

Request for Quote - Workplace Stress Issues
Request for Quote - Workplace Stress Issues
Serotonine + supports you within the company for health diagnostics, the organization of workshops, and conferences on issues related to stress, nutri...
Occupational Health
Occupational Health
Why, how? Energize your business around the intertwined issues of positive health, team cohesion, and performance. Provide your teams with the means t...
Occupational Health - HR Service
Occupational Health - HR Service
Why, how? Energize your business around the intertwined issues of positive health, team cohesion, and performance. Provide your teams with the tools t...
Request for Quote - Workplace Health Workshops
Request for Quote - Workplace Health Workshops
Serotonine + supports you within the company for health diagnostics, the organization of workshops, and conferences on issues related to stress, nutri...
Occupational Health - Works Council
Occupational Health - Works Council
Energize your business around the interconnected issues of positive health, team cohesion, and performance. Equip your teams with the tools to reduce ...
Request for Quote - Food Issues
Request for Quote - Food Issues
Serotonine + supports you within the company for health diagnostics, the organization of workshops, and conferences on issues related to stress, nutri...
Eating disorders, sleep disorders, and emotions
Eating disorders, sleep disorders, and emotions
PUBLIC: EDUCATORS, CAREGIVERS You want to enhance your skills in your educational approach and bring a fresh perspective to your professional practice...
Occupational Health for SMEs
Occupational Health for SMEs
Why, how? Energize your business around the intertwined issues of positive health, team cohesion, and performance. Provide your teams with the means t...
Training - Collective and Emotional Intelligence
Training - Collective and Emotional Intelligence
PUBLIC: SUPERVISORS, MANAGERS, AND TEACHERS Stay informed about upcoming training sessions and work holistically in your consultations and while super...
Request for Quote - Occupational Health Conferences
Request for Quote - Occupational Health Conferences
Serotonine + supports you within the company for health diagnostics, the organization of workshops, and conferences on issues related to stress, nutri...
Occupational Health - Business Leaders
Occupational Health - Business Leaders
Why, how? Energize your business around the intertwined issues of positive health, team cohesion, and performance. Provide your teams with the means t...
Occupational Health - Company Health Service
Occupational Health - Company Health Service
Why, how? Energize your business around the intertwined issues of positive health, team cohesion, and performance. Provide your teams with the tools t...
Training - Educational and Positive Approach
Training - Educational and Positive Approach
Collective and Emotional Intelligence - Best Practices Guide AUDIENCE: SUPERVISORS, MANAGERS, AND TEACHERS Stay informed about upcoming training sessi...

Company images

Location and contact

Address45 Grande Rue DE SAINT, FR-69009 Rambert

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