

im Stiefelfeld 9, Niederzissen 56651
Delivery: Worldwide
Employees: 50-99
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About us

10 Product and services

ISO 9001:2015 Certificate - Certified according to DIN ISO 9001:2015 by TÜV
ISO 9001:2015 Certificate - Certified according to DIN ISO 9001:2015 by TÜV
Our company and suppliers are certified to the latest quality standards.
Gear Housing - Manual Transmission Housing
Gear Housing - Manual Transmission Housing
Cast products made of gray cast iron and ductile iron / nodular cast iron with machining and pre-assembly...
Aluminum Robot Arm - Cast Aluminum with CNC Machining
Aluminum Robot Arm - Cast Aluminum with CNC Machining
Aluminum sand casting with mechanical processing, CNC milling 4-axis...
Axle Bearing Block Front Support - Machined Cast Parts Tractor Castings
Axle Bearing Block Front Support - Machined Cast Parts Tractor Castings
Machined axle support for tractor axle bearing support...
Measurement Technology - Contract Measurement
Measurement Technology - Contract Measurement
We conduct wage measurements for customers using a 3D measuring machine, as well as other testing procedures such as roughness depth measurement, cont...
Robot-welded components - Welded assemblies
Robot-welded components - Welded assemblies
Robot-welded components up to 2.5 m in length and 250 kg per piece...
Flange made of forged aluminum - Aluminum forged parts
Flange made of forged aluminum - Aluminum forged parts
Aluminum forged parts up to a diameter of 750 mm...
Robot Housing - Aluminum Casting with CNC Machining
Robot Housing - Aluminum Casting with CNC Machining
Cast aluminum part for industrial robots...
automatic molding system with process control - ACE automatic controlled equipment
automatic molding system with process control - ACE automatic controlled equipment
automatic molding systems for the production of cast iron gray cast iron ductile cast iron...
Flange Hub Flange Hub - CNC Turned Parts
Flange Hub Flange Hub - CNC Turned Parts
CNC turned parts made of cast iron, gray cast iron, ductile iron including mechanical processing...

Location and contact

Addressim Stiefelfeld 9, DE-56651 Niederzissen

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