

Max Schaller Straße 99, St. Ruprecht An Der Raab 8181
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Founded: 1995
Employees: 20-49
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33 Product and services

Aw Value Meter humimeter RH2 - for determining the water activity of foodNext
Aw Value Meter humimeter RH2 - for determining the water activity of food
Mobile laboratory measuring device for determining water activity and outputting the Aw value for food with data logger. Suitable for measuring materi...
Moisture Meter for Nuts and Pasta - Water Content Determination of Peanuts, Macadamia Nuts, Almonds, Walnuts, and more.Next
Moisture Meter for Nuts and Pasta - Water Content Determination of Peanuts, Macadamia Nuts, Almonds, Walnuts, and more.
The humimeter FSG is a moisture measuring device for the quick determination of the water content of various foods such as: shelled, unshelled, and ro...
Moisture Meter for Paper - humimeter PM4 - Non-destructive Paper Moisture Meter with IR Temperature MeasurementNext
Moisture Meter for Paper - humimeter PM4 - Non-destructive Paper Moisture Meter with IR Temperature Measurement
The humimeter PM4 paper moisture meter uses a new measurement method for rapid measurement of equilibrium moisture on the running paper roll. Designe...
Grain and seeds moisture meter - FSA - Fully automatic grain moisture tester with determination of hectoliter weightNext
Grain and seeds moisture meter - FSA - Fully automatic grain moisture tester with determination of hectoliter weight
The FSA grain moisture tester is a fully automatic calibrateable grain moisture tester with integrated determination of hectoliter weight and infrared...
Wood Chip Moisture Meter - humimeter BMA - Professional device for determining the moisture content of biomassNext
Wood Chip Moisture Meter - humimeter BMA - Professional device for determining the moisture content of biomass
with optional display of bulk density and ATRO tons/m³ for suppliers and operators of biomass heating systems. For measuring wood chips, bark, pellets...
Nuts, noodles and food moisture meter - humimeter FSG  - Nondestructive water content measuring instrument for foodsNext
Nuts, noodles and food moisture meter - humimeter FSG - Nondestructive water content measuring instrument for foods
The food moisture meter humimeter FSG offers fast and reliable nondestructive measurements of the water content of various food products. Our food moi...
Wood Chip Moisture Meter humimeter BLL   - Fast woodchips meter with insertion probe of 1 meter lengthNext
Wood Chip Moisture Meter humimeter BLL - Fast woodchips meter with insertion probe of 1 meter length
With humimeter BLL wood chip moisture meter you can easily determine the water content of your material within few seconds. The measuring values can b...
water activity meter / analyzer - humimeter RH2 - Portable laboratory instrument for determination of water activity (aw value) Next
water activity meter / analyzer - humimeter RH2 - Portable laboratory instrument for determination of water activity (aw value)
The water activity of products, especially of food, indicates the amount of unbound water in a material. This quality factor, also called aw value, de...
Humidity Meter for Pellets humimeter BP1 - Suitable for wood pellets or special pellets (thistle, straw, rapeseed, miscanthus..)Next
Humidity Meter for Pellets humimeter BP1 - Suitable for wood pellets or special pellets (thistle, straw, rapeseed, miscanthus..)
The humimeter BP1 Pellets Moisture Meter is a powerful device for determining the moisture content of all standard wood pellets and special pellets. T...
Grain Moisture Meter - humimeter FS1 - Whole Grain Meter with Low Sample Quantity and Sample Temperature MeasurementNext
Grain Moisture Meter - humimeter FS1 - Whole Grain Meter with Low Sample Quantity and Sample Temperature Measurement
The humimeter FS1 is a compact grain moisture meter designed for determining the moisture content of various grain types such as corn, rye, triticale,...
bioenergy wood chip moisture meter humimeter BMA - Professional moisture meter for determining the water content of biomassNext
bioenergy wood chip moisture meter humimeter BMA - Professional moisture meter for determining the water content of biomass
Professional moisture meter for determining the water content of biomass with optional display of bulk density and bone dry weight (tons/m³) For sup...
Biomass Moisture Meter - humimeter BM2 - for the determination of water content of wood chips, bark, wood pellets, etc.Next
Biomass Moisture Meter - humimeter BM2 - for the determination of water content of wood chips, bark, wood pellets, etc.
The humimeter BM2 biomass moisture meter measures the water content of various kinds of biomass and is ideal for operators of biomass heating plants.
Wood Moisture Meter humimeter BLW - Wood Moisture Meter for Firewood, Roundwood, FuelwoodNext
Wood Moisture Meter humimeter BLW - Wood Moisture Meter for Firewood, Roundwood, Fuelwood
Due to its deep measurement depth and wide measurement range (up to 60% moisture content), the humimeter BLW wood moisture meter is ideal for operator...
Paper moisture meter for paper piles with sword sensor - highly accurate sword hygrometer for paper and boardNext
Paper moisture meter for paper piles with sword sensor - highly accurate sword hygrometer for paper and board
The humimeter RH5 paper moisture meter is a powerful moisture tester with sword probe (see picture) for humidity measurement in paper stacks. To dete...
Paper Moisture Meter with Blade Sensor - humimeter RH5 - Paper Hygrometer for Paper and Cardboard StacksNext
Paper Moisture Meter with Blade Sensor - humimeter RH5 - Paper Hygrometer for Paper and Cardboard Stacks
Additionally suitable for automatic climate monitoring of pressure rooms and paper storage. A powerful handheld hygrometer for moisture measurement wi...

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AddressMax Schaller Straße 99, AT-8181 St. Ruprecht An Der Raab

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