

91 Route Des Romains, Strasbourg 67200
Delivery: National
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3 Product and services

Project Management Assistance (AMOA) - Project Management Assistance: expertise for your digital projects
Project Management Assistance (AMOA) - Project Management Assistance: expertise for your digital projects
Sambotte.net - Your AMOA expert for managing your digital projects. From needs analysis to risk management, we support you at every stage to ensure th...
Digital Transformation: Engine of Your Competitiveness
Digital Transformation: Engine of Your Competitiveness
Strategic and technological support to succeed in every digitalization - Sambotte.net: accelerate your digital transformation with Sambotte: a strateg...
Agile project management - Collaborative and iterative approach to maximize the value of your digital projects
Agile project management - Collaborative and iterative approach to maximize the value of your digital projects
Sambotte.net - Drive your projects to success with expert agile management. From planning to delivery, we support you at every step to ensure quick, e...

Payment methods

Credit card
Mail transfer

Location and contact

Address91 Route Des Romains, FR-67200 Strasbourg

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