Robert-Bosch-Straße 29, Nauen 14641
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2 Product and services

OKAI ES500 Grover RUSH E-Scooter E-Roller Defect - Defect, street legal, 9.5" solid rubber tires, up to 30Km range
OKAI ES500 Grover RUSH E-Scooter E-Roller Defect - Defect, street legal, 9.5" solid rubber tires, up to 30Km range
Condition: G4 - Defective, various technical and optical defects, ideal for spare parts. Scratches on the display, broken parts, does not start or shu...
Wholesale Defective Televisions TV Panel Break - Wholesale defective TV television surplus returns fallen from the truck
Wholesale Defective Televisions TV Panel Break - Wholesale defective TV television surplus returns fallen from the truck
A large batch of defective televisions is for sale. 213 pieces. Price: 25 net per piece.

Location and contact

AddressRobert-Bosch-Straße 29, DE-14641 Nauen

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