

S. Dariaus ir S. Gireno str. 179, Vilnius LT-02189
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1995
Employees: 200-499
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68 Product and services

DM - Hinged DoorsNext
DM - Hinged Doors
DM series doors are designed for negative temperature cold rooms, that can maintain a temperature from 0°C to -40°C. Injected with 92-150 mm thickness...
AS Pack - Compressor Packs
AS Pack - Compressor Packs
Wide range capacity compressor packs with cooling capacity from 7 kW to 170 kW, perfectly suitable for various size applications. Scroll compressor pa...
AB Pack - Compressor PacksNext
AB Pack - Compressor Packs
Wide range capacity compressor packs with cooling capacity from 25 kW to 500 kW. Designed for commercial and industrial applications with small to lar...
BM Unit - Condensing Units
BM Unit - Condensing Units
Small to medium capacity condensing units, designed for commercial and industrial applications such as food and beverage manufacturers, convenience st...
B-Case Unit - Condensing UnitsNext
B-Case Unit - Condensing Units
Small capacity condensing units with the cooling capacity from 15kW to 40kW. Designed on a compact frame, perfectly suitable for small commercial appl...
CJ Super Module - Chillers
CJ Super Module - Chillers
Free cooling system consists of a heat exchanger that cools down glycol mixture by using low temperature ambient air. When outdoor temperatures are lo...
Ice banks with DX coil - Ice banksNext
Ice banks with DX coil - Ice banks
The direct expansion system is popular due to easier installation and reduced system costs. Direct expansion ice banks are usually used for refrigera...
SDPO - Sliding DoorsNext
SDPO - Sliding Doors
SDPO series doors are designed for positive temperature cold rooms, that maintain a temperature of 0°C or higher. Special door frame is designed for a...

Location and contact

AddressS. Dariaus ir S. Gireno str. 179, LT-LT-02189 Vilnius

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