

25 rue nicolas appert, Alençon 61000
Founded: 2009
Employees: 5-9
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184 Product and services

PAPER FRONT CONTAINERS 2 WHEELS 120 - 240 AND 360 L - Waste Containers
PAPER FRONT CONTAINERS 2 WHEELS 120 - 240 AND 360 L - Waste Containers
6,00 €
Paper front containers 2 wheels Reference: D01G08 Materials: Plastic Volume (L): 120 - 240 - 360 Weight (kg): 0.3 Color: blue...
PLASTIPLAC - Sealing Plate
PLASTIPLAC - Sealing Plate
Plastiplac is a protective mat designed to safeguard pipeline entries during accidental chemical spills. Made from 100% polyurethane gel on washable ...
LARGE OPENING BARREL - Buckets and barrels
LARGE OPENING BARREL - Buckets and barrels
16,00 €
Particularly suited for the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries. Food-grade quality, made from PHED. Ideal for packaging hazardous solids, c...
SORTING MODULE 2 X 40 L - Office Baskets
SORTING MODULE 2 X 40 L - Office Baskets
135,00 €
Made from impact-resistant polystyrene. Delivered in a kit, easy to assemble. Integrated bag retention system. Reference: T02N01 Materials: Plastic V...

Location and contact

Address25 rue nicolas appert, FR-61000 Alençon

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