Am Berglein 23, Pommersfelden 96178
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4 Product and services

Tube Digital Printing
Tube Digital Printing
Tube printing starting from 500 pieces in digital printing Digital printing is a modern printing process where the print image is directly printed fr...
Tube Screen Printing
Tube Screen Printing
Tube printing starting from 500 pieces using screen printing Screen printing is a printing process where ink is applied to the material to be printed...
Hot Foil Stamping
Hot Foil Stamping
Hot Foil Stamping from 500 Pieces Hot foil stamping is a finishing process for packaging, where a metallic or colored foil is applied to the material...
Pad Printing
Pad Printing
Pad printing from 500 pieces Pad printing is an indirect printing process in which the print image is transferred from a printing plate to an elastic...

Location and contact

AddressAm Berglein 23, DE-96178 Pommersfelden
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