

Stubenwald-Allee 9, Bensheim 64625
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1948
Employees: 100-199
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23 Product and services

SOMOS® Gramix FlakeDos - Gravimetric Dosing of PET Bottle Regrind
SOMOS® Gramix FlakeDos - Gravimetric Dosing of PET Bottle Regrind
The SOMOS® Gramix FlakeDos dosing system is ideally suited for the gravimetric dosing of PET bottle regrind (bulk weight 250 to 600 g/l). The regrind ...
SOMOS® Volmix MH15 - Volumetric single component dosingNext
SOMOS® Volmix MH15 - Volumetric single component dosing
The SOMOS® Volmix MH15 volumetric small-volume dosing unit continuously and highly accurately meters granular or pulverulent minor components (masterb...
SOMOS® Batchmix - Gravimetric batch dosing units for high accuracy and reproducibility
SOMOS® Batchmix - Gravimetric batch dosing units for high accuracy and reproducibility
The Batchmix 50 to 3000 models cover gravimetric dosing applications with throughputs of 5 to 3,000 kg/h. Usable for pellets and regrinds. Solutions f...
SOMOS® Gramix ExactDos - Gravimetric ultra-small-volume dosing
SOMOS® Gramix ExactDos - Gravimetric ultra-small-volume dosing
The SOMOS® Gramix ExactDos dosing system is specifically designed for ultra-small volumes from a minimum throughput of 200 g/h (approx. 3.3 g/min) and...
SOMOS® RDC - Stationary Granulate Dryer for High Throughput
SOMOS® RDC - Stationary Granulate Dryer for High Throughput
The stationary drying systems SOMOS® RDC, designed in modular construction, are suitable for the efficient drying of nearly all hygroscopic plastic gr...
SSP - Materials treatment with ProTec's tumble reactorNext
SSP - Materials treatment with ProTec's tumble reactor
ProTec designs and supplies innovative solid-state polymer post-condensation lines and complete PET bottle flake recycling lines. The batch tumble rea...
SOMOS® Volmix - Volumetric dosing
SOMOS® Volmix - Volumetric dosing
SOMOS® Volmix from ProTec is a highly accurate volumetric dosing and mixing system. Volmix stands for VOLumetric dosing and MIXing. The system supplie...
SOMOS® Gramix ExactDos - Gravimetric Micro-Dosing
SOMOS® Gramix ExactDos - Gravimetric Micro-Dosing
The SOMOS® Gramix ExactDos dosing system is specifically designed for small quantities starting from a minimum throughput of 200 g/h (approximately 3.

Location and contact

AddressStubenwald-Allee 9, DE-64625 Bensheim

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