

Avenue Route de Nouadibou, Tz, Nouakchott 3621
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About us

4 Product and services

Support Services for Pharmaceutical Laboratories - Services for Parapharmaceutical Laboratories
Support Services for Pharmaceutical Laboratories - Services for Parapharmaceutical Laboratories
We are registering your products and handling all necessary procedures with local authorities and administrations.
Medical Representative Training - Pharmaceutical Representative Training
Medical Representative Training - Pharmaceutical Representative Training
We recruit and train pharmaceutical and medical representatives who are responsible for presenting and following up on our partners' products with med...
Pharmaceutical and Parapharmaceutical Laboratories - Promotion of Pharmaceutical and Dermo-Cosmetic Products in Africa
Pharmaceutical and Parapharmaceutical Laboratories - Promotion of Pharmaceutical and Dermo-Cosmetic Products in Africa
Our mission is to help pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical laboratories develop their brands and increase their revenue through a range of integrate...
Launch of pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical products
Launch of pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical products
Whether it's for the launch of a new product or the opening of new markets, our team members, true ambassadors of your brand, will ensure the logistic...

Location and contact

AddressAvenue Route de Nouadibou, Tz, MR-3621 Nouakchott

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