

19, Rue Marc Seguin, Ambert 63600
Founded: 1910
Employees: 20-49
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10 Product and services

Rope - polyester, nylon or polypropylene
Rope - polyester, nylon or polypropylene
We manufacture braided ropes in our workshop in France that are both robust and aesthetically pleasing, suitable for decoration, DIY, boating... Our ...
Elastic cord organic quality - certified GOTS cotton
Elastic cord organic quality - certified GOTS cotton
We manufacture a complete range of high-quality organic elastic cords in our workshop, featuring a braided cover made from GOTS-certified organic cott...
Woven Strap
Woven Strap
We are a manufacturer of woven straps, an essential textile product for many professionals in packaging, upholstery, luggage, decoration, securing, an...
Elastic mesh
Elastic mesh
Elastic mesh is a band used to adjust the size of pants and skirts, or to create lingerie pieces. The elastic mesh can be hidden under a hem or visibl...
Elastic braid
Elastic braid
We design and manufacture various types of flat elastic braids in our workshop for stationery (braid for planners, notepads, folders…), packaging (wra...
Knitted Cord
Knitted Cord
The knitted cord, also known as tricotine, is made on a knitting machine to produce a flexible and durable cord used in clothing, upholstery (filling ...
Hypoallergenic Elastics
Hypoallergenic Elastics
As recognized specialists in elastic braiding, we offer a complete range of hypoallergenic, latex-free cords and braids for specific uses in garment m...
Elastic Cord
Elastic Cord
We manufacture a wide range of technical cords for the industry (safety mask elastics), leisure (cardboard mask elastics, party streamers, carnival ma...
Flat Sandow
Flat Sandow
We manufacture a wide range of braided flat bungee cords in our workshop for tarping and securing, intended for the automotive sector, outdoor furnitu...
Overpressure on tube
Overpressure on tube
The production of a tubular sheath through overbraiding aims to protect a tube or hydraulic hose (against tears, chemicals, moisture, fire, etc.). Dep...

Location and contact

Address19, Rue Marc Seguin, FR-63600 Ambert

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