

Lviv, st. General Chuprynky, 87/3, Lviv 79044
Employees: 20-49
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10 Product and services

Square 50 g - Lollipop
Square 50 g - Lollipop
Candy in the form of a square, often buy it for a symbolic gift. They come in a variety of fruit tastes and a variety of color schemes. Packed in a ca...
Rainbow 25g - Lollipop
Rainbow 25g - Lollipop
Sweets, which in their range of colors resemble a rainbow. Occur with different fruit tastes. Very often they are ordered with such peculiar tastes as...
Rainbow 50 g - Lollipop
Rainbow 50 g - Lollipop
Sweets, which in their range of colors resemble a rainbow. Occur with different fruit tastes. Packed in a cardboard box of 30 pcs, in a box of 6 cart...
Fruit trio 50g - Marshmallow
Fruit trio 50g - Marshmallow
The sweet product is made from chewing marshmallows with a variety of fruit flavors and secured on a wooden stick. Shelf life - 9 months. 30 pcs in ...
Twist 35 g - Marshmallow
Twist 35 g - Marshmallow
The sweet product is made from chewing marshmallows with fruit flavor and fixed on a wooden stick. Shelf life - 9 months. 30 pcs in a cardboard box,...
Heart 25 g - Lollipop
Heart 25 g - Lollipop
Lollipop in the form of a heart, with different fruit flavors and a variety of color schemes. Packed in a tube of 50 pcs, in a collector box of 10 tub...
Owl 50 g - Marshmallow
Owl 50 g - Marshmallow
The sweet product is made of chewing marshmallows with fruit flavor and fixed on a wooden stick in the form of an owl. Shelf life - 9 months. 18 pcs...
Tortillons 25g - Lollipop
Tortillons 25g - Lollipop
Sweets with different fruit flavors and a variety of color schemes. Packed in a 60-pc tube, in a box of 10 tubes.
Rainbow 50 g - Marshmallow
Rainbow 50 g - Marshmallow
The sweet product is made of chewing marshmallows with apricot, strawberry, lemon, vanilla, plombir and flavored on a wooden stick. Shelf life - 9 mo...
Caterpillar 50 g - Marshmallow
Caterpillar 50 g - Marshmallow
The sweet product is made from chewing marshmallows with fruit flavor and fixed on a wooden stick. Shelf life - 9 months. 30 pcs in a cardboard box,...

Location and contact

AddressLviv, st. General Chuprynky, 87/3, UA-79044 Lviv

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