26 rue Jean d'Estienne d'orves, Le Perreux Sur Marne 94170
Employees: 100-199
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Hello, Brokers or clowns, please move along, thank you. Offer reserved exclusively for end buyers. We offer nitrile gloves in boxes of 100. A deposit of €10,000 is required along with a stamped and signed purchase order and proof of funds. Delivery within a maximum of 48 hours. Current available stock: 183,000 boxes of nitrile gloves (100 gloves per box), 50,000 boxes of vinyl gloves (100 per box), and 50,000 boxes of latex gloves (100 per box). Thank you.
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Address26 rue Jean d'Estienne d'orves, FR-94170 Le Perreux Sur Marne
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