Nierlochstrasse 2, Hechingen 72379
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About us
Production of vegan gluten- and lactose-free specialties. 3 varieties of falafel, hummus, and eggplant sesame paste, as well as ready-made falafel mixes and sesame paste. Organic and conventional.

3 Product and services

Bio Classic Falafel
Bio Classic Falafel
Delicious falafel - made according to an old family recipe! Also available in the flavors 'Curry' and 'Paprika'.
Bio Hummus
Bio Hummus
Hummus is the cult dish from the Eastern Mediterranean! It's no wonder that 'hummus bars' are popping up in big cities.
TK-Falafel for Bulk Consumers
TK-Falafel for Bulk Consumers
Ideal for large kitchens and gastronomy: Frozen falafel in three different flavors: 'Classic', 'Curry', and 'Paprika'. Pre-cooked and therefore quick ...

Location and contact

AddressNierlochstrasse 2, DE-72379 Hechingen
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