Ballindamm 17, Hamburg 20095
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About us
We offer PEEK semi-finished products 'Made in Germany'. Through our connection to the raw material PEEK granulate, we have a unique cost position. We also provide custom-made products from PEEK.

4 Product and services

PEEK Sheets
PEEK Sheets
Sheets from PEEK are offered usually extruded and cut in standard lengths. Various sheet thicknesses possible. Our Dexnyl PEEK sheets are made of our ...
PEEK Powder
PEEK Powder
BIEGLO offers PEEK as a powder from the Chinese producer Panjin Zhongrun and sells it under the name CoPEEK.
PEEK Granulate
PEEK Granulate
PEEK is a semi-crystalline thermoplastic with excellent sliding properties, very good mechanical properties (even under thermal load), and outstanding...
PEEK Compounds
PEEK Compounds
BIEGLO offers various Dexnyl PEEK compounds; including PEEK carbon fiber, PEEK glass fiber, PEEK-PTFE, PEEK-Tribofé and PEEK color compounds.

Location and contact

AddressBallindamm 17, DE-20095 Hamburg
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