fatih mahallesi meydaniahmetbey sokak no:84/129, konya 42100
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1996
Employees: 200-499
Supplier type
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About us
We provide repair services for fuel pumps and injectors of ships. Additionally, we can renew the components of these pumps according to customer requests, offering the best service at competitive prices. We also repair unit pumps for vehicles such as Axor, Atego, Actros, Travego, Scania, DAF, etc. Repairs can be performed on hydraulic pumps, control valves of construction machinery, pressure pumps, and anything similar. For more detailed information, please visit our website. Thank you.
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Payment methods

SWIFT transfer
Bill of exchange
Credit card

Payment terms

COD - Cash on Delivery

Location and contact

Addressfatih mahallesi meydaniahmetbey sokak no:84/129, TR-42100 konya
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