

bureaux occident, 7 rue Louise Thuliez, paris 75019
Delivery: National
Founded: 2012
Employees: 5-9
Supplier type
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4 Product and services

Multi-Service Billing ORCM CHORUS PRO Portal - Online SaaS Software Billing Quotes ORCM Direct Debit Collection
Multi-Service Billing ORCM CHORUS PRO Portal - Online SaaS Software Billing Quotes ORCM Direct Debit Collection
Multi-pole billing allows each business unit of the community to create its own invoices. Batch issuance and collection are centralized. Payments can...
Revenue Management - online SaaS accounting software for Revenue and Advance Management
Revenue Management - online SaaS accounting software for Revenue and Advance Management
Double-entry accounting management according to the accounting instruction of 2006. Automates and secures daily and periodic operations. Ensures the m...
Online Ticketing Reservation Sales - SaaS Online Ticketing Reservation Sales Access Control
Online Ticketing Reservation Sales - SaaS Online Ticketing Reservation Sales Access Control
Comprehensive and scalable ticketing solution, tailored for tourist, cultural, or sports sites. • Physical or online ticketing • Online booking and s...
Ticketing Box - SaaS Online Cash Register Software for Revenue Management
Ticketing Box - SaaS Online Cash Register Software for Revenue Management
Extension of the Revenue Management, the Cash Point records all types of cash operations in front of the public, manages the payment devices, and gene...

Keywords1 keyword

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer

Location and contact

Addressbureaux occident, 7 rue Louise Thuliez, FR-75019 paris

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