

5 Esplanade Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse 31000
Delivery: National
Founded: 2019
Employees: 5-9
Supplier type
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About us

10 Product and services

Distance LearningNext
Distance Learning
Distance Learning...
Professional English Training - Individual Training (eligible for CPF)
Professional English Training - Individual Training (eligible for CPF)
TRAINING OBJECTIVES This training allows you to work on your weaknesses as well as the skills required to work in English. The objectives of this tra...
Use Your CPF
Use Your CPF
As of January 1, 2019, your CPF hourly balance as of December 31, 2018, is automatically converted into euros based on €15 per available hour. Furthe...
Corporate Training
Corporate Training
We have developed our own programs specifically tailored to the modern business world. We understand the difference between reaching out to a new pote...
Other ServicesNext
Other Services
Translation – If you need a translation, we would be happy to assist you. We have helped our clients prepare marketing materials, translate their webs...
Spanish Training - Individual Training (eligible for CPF)
Spanish Training - Individual Training (eligible for CPF)
This training allows you to work on your weaknesses as well as the skills required to work in Spanish. The objectives of this training are; - A prog...
Our Services for Individuals
Our Services for Individuals
Individual training and needs analysis allow us to adapt to your work environment. We will provide you with the vocabulary and expressions you need th...
English for Catering & Hospitality - Individual Training (eligible for CPF)
English for Catering & Hospitality - Individual Training (eligible for CPF)
The objectives of this training are: - A progression in professional language skills - To adopt effective communication methods tailored to the resta...
French Training - Individual Training (eligible for CPF)
French Training - Individual Training (eligible for CPF)
Training Objectives: This training allows you to work on your weaknesses as well as the skills required to work in French. The objectives of this tr...
Exam PreparationNext
Exam Preparation
An exam can be an excellent way to enhance your CV. Having a certified level in English can significantly increase your employability. The challenge i...

Location and contact

Address5 Esplanade Compans Caffarelli, FR-31000 Toulouse

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