Merkez Sanayi Sitesi 1354.Cadde 1348.Sokak No:3, 06378 Ivedik Osb/Yenimahalle, Ankara 06000
Employees: 5-9
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About us
Eva Motors supplies and sells parts for many brands with its wide range of products. It is the most reliable company in its field and stands out with customer satisfaction. Its physical address is in Ankara İvedik OSB, and it provides shipping services to every region of Turkey. To receive the most reliable and high-quality spare parts service for your vehicle, you need to get in touch.
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AddressMerkez Sanayi Sitesi 1354.Cadde 1348.Sokak No:3, 06378 Ivedik Osb/Yenimahalle, TR-06000 Ankara
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